Friday, May 1, 2009

Book Assessment Rubric

Book Assessment Rubric

Rubric for Book-of-the-Month Club Projects –Term 4, 2009
Which project did you do?
-- a book review such as you would see in a newspaper or magazine
-- an informative poster advertising the book (12" by 18", portrait orientation, not landscape)
-- an informative brochure advertising the book
-- an informative "ad" (advertisement) such as you would see in a magazine (8 1/2" by 11")
-- a web page dedicated to the book, the subject, and/or the author -- posted on our new class wikki (If you complete a blog, please e-mail to me a link to that blog.)
Required for All
Basic Information:
 _____/5 points for title
 _____ /5 points for author
 _____/5 points for genre (Check with the teacher to make sure you have correctly categorized your book.)
 _____/5 points for # of pages
 _____/5 points for your name (Of course, you will not receive any points at all if your name is not on your project.)
 _____/5 points for your period
 _____/5 points for the date or term (Term 4, 2009)
subtotal: _____/35

About the Book:
 _____/10 points for Plot: Give a summary of the plot which does not include spoilers. This means it won't give away the ending or give away other things that the reader shouldn't find out until he or she reads the book -- things that would spoil reading the book.

 _____/10 points for Characters: Who are the major characters? List them and give a very brief description for each. You could use a table such as the one I've used on my wiki page for Stand Tall.

 _____/10 points for Setting: place and time setting.

 _____/10 points for Conflict: Do tell what the major CONFLICT is and whether it is man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. technology, man vs. nature, man vs. self, or man vs. the unknown. (These could also be stated as character vs. character, character vs. society, character vs. nature, etc.) Explain how you know it is that type of conflict.

 _____/10 points for Theme: Identify and briefly explain one or more major themes in the book. How do you know that is a theme in this book?

 _____/10 points for giving the book a Rating (1 to 5 stars), and telling why you have rated it that way.

 _____/10 points for including attractive illustrations. Illustrations will clearly represent the book. Illustrations will not be done on lined paper. Illustrations will be original, except that on the wiki or blog you may use pictures of the book cover, author, and/or illustrations from the book.
subtotal: _____/70

 You will carefully edit your work for errors in conventions including spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and correct and clear sentence structure.
subtotal: _____/15
No points will be given unless these requirements are met:
 Your work will be neat and attractive. subtotal: _______/35 basic information
 Work will be typed or neatly written in ink. subtotal: _______/70about the book
 You will not plagiarize another's work. subtotal: _______/15 conventions
 Your project will meet the requirements for the individual project subtotal: _______/ optional and early
as outlined here and on the back of this sheet. Total: _______/ 120

 _____/ 5 Additional information about the author.
 _____/___Propose other?
 _____/___Turned in early
Specific Projects:
Every project should include all required items, and should meet these specific requirements as defined for the specific project.

Book Review:
______ will be clearly labeled as “Book Review.”
______ handed in typed up, or posted on a blog, web site, or wiki page.
______ will cover all the items listed above as "Required for All."
______ will emphasize your opinions, and should express your own understanding of the book in a lively way.

Informative Poster:
_______ will be attractive, neat, and show effort and pride in workmanship.
_______ will be attractively illustrated. Illustrations and decorations used should be related to the book. You may not use book covers or other illustrations already created by others for the book.
_______ will measure 12" by 18", portrait orientation, not landscape. You will need to cut down a regular poster board to this size.

Informative Brochure:
_______ will be attractive, neat, and show effort and pride in workmanship
_______ will be attractively illustrated. Illustrations and decorations used should be related to the book. You may not use book covers or other illustrations already created by others for the book.

Magazine Ad:
_______ will be attractive, neat, and show effort and pride in workmanship.
_______ will be the size of a magazine page, or it could be a two-page spread.
_______ will be attractively illustrated. Illustrations and decorations used should be related to the book. You may not use book covers or other illustrations already created by others for the book.

Web Page or Blog:
_______ will be attractive, neat, and show effort and pride in workmanship.
_______ will be attractively illustrated. Illustrations and decorations used should be related to the book. You may use book covers or other illustrations already created by others for the book.
