Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1/2, 2008

October 1/2, 2008

(1) Students worked together on an editing practice. Here is the assignment: (If you were absent, you could cut, paste, double space the lines, print it, and make the corrections.)

Student Name ________________ Period ___ Score ___/15
1 – 10. Find and correct ten or more mistakes in this paragraph:

Jake barreled into the classroom, hoping he could make it too his seat before the bell rang. He new he had to many tardies already. As Mrs. Dorsey listened to Suzanne recite a poem for extra credit, she wondered why Jake just couldn’t seem to get to class on time she decided to talk with him about it after she got the student’s started on their point of view assignment. At the same time, Julie and Robert were handing in there reading logs, happy that they had completed the assignment for the week. Maria didn’t here Ms. Dorsey tell the students to begin
the self-starter cause she was busy reading The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.

11 – 15. Tell from which point of view the paragraph is told, and explain how you knew.

(2.) We introduced the personal narrative assignment.
-- We will do this assignment step by step in class.

A narrative is a story. A narrative can be either fiction or nonfiction, but this on will be be nonfiction.
"Personal" means it is about you, yourself. It will be about something that really happened to you.

a. We looked at examples of student attempts at writing narrative, and talked about which was best. See a nearby post.

b. Ms. Dorsey shared ideas for stories she could write about some of her own experiences.
c. Students received a tape-in for their composition books (to be taped into the back of the book), and started writing down brief summaries of experiences they've had that could be turned into stories.
This is the information on the tape-in. It is meant to help you remember events you could write about.

Finding Story Ideas
What experiences have made you feel really happy or very sad?
What experiences have been very alarming or really frightening?
What experiences have made you feel proud of yourself?
What have been the most difficult tasks you have had to undertake?
What contests or games have you tried hard to win?
What experiences have made you feel embarrassed?
What experiences have made you feel ashamed of yourself?
What experiences have made you realize that you truly care about someone?
What experiences have made you laugh a lot?
What other experiences have you had that are worth sharing?

(3.) We listened to and followed along in the book with The Outsiders and students filled in a space on their reading log for The Outsiders.
B1 -- pg. 87 - 95
B2 -- pg. 83 - 93
B3 -- pg. 88 - 101
A1 -- pg. 89 - 97
A2 -- pg. 91 - 96

Students filled out another "day" on the white reading log for character in The Outsiders.