Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February 20, 2019

Announcements and Reminders:
February 28:  Completed How They Croaked chapter is due -- 
         Quality Draft stapled to the top of the  Rough Draft                     
February 28: Last day to hand in late work for Term 3
March 4:  No school 
March 8:  Last day of Term 3    (Turn in unused hall passes.) 

Targets for Today:

Today’s  Agenda:

Sit with your assigned group. 

How many of you have played a game where you work together as a team to defeat the board? Some of my favorite games work that way! These are the character cards for the game Forbidden Desert, in which characters have to use their strengths to work together to escape a desert storm.

Our peer review is also going to use roles that will help your group work together to give meaningful feedback to each writer.

A) Peer Review Explanation 
Students received a Peer Review Paper. There are four roles in our peer review. The first person is going to be the musician. The musician’s job is to analyze the introduction and conclusion. They’ll be looking for two things: whether the writer has all the parts they need in the intro and conclusion and whether they feel right. Is the introduction interesting? Is the conclusion satisfying? The musician will need 4 different colored pencils to do their job.

 The next person is going to be the rocket scientist
 There are also the Architect and the Miner.  See your paper for descriptions of these jobs. 

            B) How the Peer Review Will Work 
This is the way this peer review is going to work: You will have 5 minutes to respond in writing to your first paper. Please write on the paper. After 5 minutes are up, you will pass your papers clockwise and you will have 5 minutes to make notes on the next paper. We will do this 4 times, until everyone has their own paper again. Once everyone has responded to everyone’s papers, you will have some time as a group to discuss your feedback for each writer and answer any questions they have. 
Before we begin, please write your role and your name on the back of your first paper.  After you pass the papers,  write your role and your name on the next paper. Repeat until everyone has their own papers again. Then discuss your feedback for each writer, taking turns with whose paper you are discussing. 

If needed, see Canvas for the Peer Review Paper. 

Next class, students will use their peers’ feedback and other revision strategies to revise their drafts.

If you were not prepared today, you will complete your rough draft, then get feedback (use the Peer Review Paper) from a friend, parent, or someone else who can give you helpful feedback.  

If You Were Absent:

See above. 
Come to Cavetime to get a peer review of your rough draft.   You will be able to earn full points if you do that right away.  


 Help and Enrichment