Saturday, May 9, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, May 11/12, 2015

Announcements and reminders:

Cavetime on Tuesday, May 12 is open to all. 

  • Next time we will assemble and share the book cubes.  Make sure your final draft  has been checked off by Ms. D.

Samples for Illustrations for the Cubes

Cube2 Rough Draft.doc

Reminder: The text on your cube needs to be in ink.
You could write first in pencil, then go over it in ink.

DO NOT assemble it before you hand in the quality draft to be checked.

  • Don't forget to bring back any books you have borrowed from our classroom.
  • Is there anyone who has not finish either part of SAGE testing?
  • If you need to complete make-up work for your composition book, see the tab above for Assignments 2014-2015.

Today's Activities:

1. Individual Reading Time

2. Extra Credit Quiz on Commas and Poetry   This is to show what you know (or can find in your notes) -- to make up for or add to points from the Poetry and Commas Quiz we took before.
   You may use your poetry booklets, notes in your composition book, and your comma packet.
    See the PowerPoints available at Thursday/Friday, April 2/3, 2015.

3.  Reading from A Long Walk to Water

A1 from page 42 to page 51

B5 from page 39 to page 57
B6 from  page 30 at page break to page 40
B7 from page 31 at page break 

Reading for Gist and doing close reading.

I can successfully read for the gist.

I can successfully do a close reading (rereading).

Compare and Contrast:

  • How do culture, time, and place influence Nya’s character in ways that are different from Salva?
  • How do culture, time, and place influence Salva’s character in ways that are different from Nya?

  • How do culture, time, and place influence Salva’s and Nya's lives and character in ways that are similar?

  • How do culture, time, and place influence Salva’s and Nya's lives and character  in ways that are similar to or different to the ways your character and life is influenced by your culture, time, and place?

Add to your "I Notice, I Wonder, I Think" chart.

What is the author telling us?
How is she telling us through text structure?  through the words and phrases she chooses?