Monday, March 2, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, March 3/4, 2015

Announcements:   Watch for your classmates to put together a compound-complex sentence that will present an announcement.

Pick up your composition book, and have your novel ready to read when the bell rings.

1.  Individual Reading Time
        Have you signed up for your February/March Book of the Month?

Here are some of the Books Your Classmates are Reading.

If you haven't picked up your January/February Book Assignment, pick it up from the bottom wire basket for your class.
If you haven't handed it in, hand it in to the top wire basket for your class.

2. Analogy: 
In your composition book, right after the last analogy, Label it  Analogy and write and complete these (fill in the blanks).  Make sure your analogy really works.

dict: prediction ::  ________ : interruption

    Note: "Inter" is a word part  (prefix) that means "between."

dict : dictate :: ________: subtract

3. Word Parts:
(Special Note for those who were wondering:  I checked and "visit" is from a Latin word part for "to see.")
Add these to your Composition Book under Word Parts (page 33).

pre = before

dict = speak

What other words can you think of that include 

the word parts "pre-" or "dict"?

4. CSI:

Heads-Up: You will be asked to create a compound-complex sentence

at the end of class about what we read or viewed from The Outsiders.

If you already have your points for this, you do not need to write another sentence.

Successful Examples:  
Since Ponyboy and Johnny saved some kids out of a fire, they were considered heroes, and they made it into the newspaper. -- Emma F.

After they saved the kids, Pony, Johnny, and Dally were recovering, and Darry and Soda were coming to check on them. -- Aaron J.

4. Watch 
The Outsiders, filling out a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the book and the movie. Don't forget to put your name on the paper.

Notice lighting, sound (music or silence?), color, or camera focus and angles in a film
Venn Diagram: There should be at least five items in each section: five similarities in the middle section and five contrasting items to show the differences between the book and the movie. 


B5.  page 110 "I had a nightmare. . . "    (iTunes page 110 nightmare, minute  0) page 119 [iTunes, Outsiders, page 110, minute 15:16]

B6. page 108  (to iTunes Chapter 6, minute 40:07 )  page 119  [iTunes, Outsiders, page 110, minute 15:16]

B7. page 104 Page break   (iTunes Chapter 6, 32:00) to page 116, top, "I'm sick of all this. . . . "[iTunes, Outsiders, page 110, minute 10:30]

Monday, March 2:  
A1.  page 100, beginning of chapter 7  (iTunes Chapter 6, -- minute 24:42)
to page 114 halfway -- [iTunes, Page 110, 7:42]

page 105  -- Should the book end here?  After all, Ponyboy is home safely and has made peace with his brother Darry.  

5. Write a compound-complex sentence that tells about what you read/viewed  in The Outsiders today.
Step-by-Step for Creating a Compound-Complex Sentence.

Leave the Step-by-Step directions on your desk.  

Hand in your sentence by placing it in the top wire basket. 
