Quality Standards for Work: Inquiry and book projects and final drafts of major assignments will not be accepted or will lose points unless they meet the following criteria:
- The product should be neat and legible.
- Use 8 1/2x 11" paper unless otherwise indicated.
- The paper should be smooth-edged (no spiro-bits).
- Type it, or write using standard blue or black ink.
- Use type fonts indicated by the teacher.
- Write on only one side of the paper.
- Follow any additional requirements in the assignment.
- Any work that you hand in should be legible and neat. If we can't read it, we can't give you points for it.
- If it is messy, wrinkled, or torn, it presents a bad impression of your effort, attitude, and degree of respect for the teacher and class, and will most likely receive less points.
- Do not EVER rip pages from your composition book. You will be using those all year, and they should be kept neat.