Critical Reminders:
IMPORTANT: To turn in your scary story, have it ready to be graded, and turn in your pink packet with the plot map, rough draft, and grading sheet.
- Please write your name and period on your grading sheet.
- Don't forget to include in your story heading for each part of the plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action/resolution.
- Also, don't forget your three instances of figurative language underlined or highlighted.
If you lost points for misspelling any of our commonly confused words in your short story, correct your errors and complete the make-up assignment for lost points. Use one of the yellow slips from the folders at the back of the classroom. You will correctly write five sentences using that word.
If you did not finish your Informal Citation assignment on Edmodo, or if you were absent, complete the assignment as soon as possible.
Find the Assignment on Edmodo titled: "Informal Citations for Historical Information." The document you will use is there to download. You will turn it back in on Edmodo, using the Turn In button on that assignment.
See the information on these posts:
- Pick up the handout about Appositives by the black composition book crates. You will read it and tape it into your composition book.
- Pick up your composition book.
- Receive back your scary story graded packet if you haven't.
1a. Receive, tape-in, and read the hand-out which provides help for recognizing and punctuating appositives.
1b. iWriteRight Self-Starter:
Think. You don't have to write yet.
What do you notice about this sentence?
"Catherine the Great, my Russian grandmother, is already awake."
-- Cari Best, Three Cheers for Catherine the Great! (2003)
Let's Have Appositive Experience
You need to know these facts about appositives.
1c. Copy these facts in your composition book:
• Appositives add information to sentences by renaming nouns (people, places, things).
• Appositives are next to the noun they are naming.
• Appositives need commas or dashes to offset them from the sentence.
- and Appositives are phrases.
2. Reminder of
3. iRead: Book Groups
a. Have one member of your group pick up your books and your group booklet.
b. Finish summarizing and discussing for last time, if needed. Catch up any members who were absent last time.
c. Read individually. -- Use sticky notes to take notes or mark places you want to discuss.
d. When instructed by the teacher, discuss what you've read, and work on the booklet as a group. (Today you will continue to summarize, and will write some questions.
Assignment: As a group, come up with and write down at least three questions about the section you read today -- one each of three of the QAR's.)
Write these in your group booklet:
- Right after your last summarizing, do this:
- Write three questions, each labeled as to type of QAR.
- After that, you can continue your summarizing.
Fill out your reading log for this book, and record the page where you left off on your reading log.
If you need more, ask the teacher.
e. Have one group member return books neatly to the shelves and turn in the booklet to the wire basket.
If you'd like to, you may bring non-messy treats for your group.
4. Let's Have an Argument!
Find in your composition book the columns labeled with this
Elements of Argument
—-- Claim
-- —Evidence: relevant and verifiable facts or exhibits; proof
-- —Warrant: explanation of how the evidence supports the claim; often common sense rules, laws, scientific principles or research, and well-considered definitions.
-- —Backing: support for the warrant (often extended definitions)
-- —Qualifications and Counter-arguments: acknowledgement of differing claims
#19 Broken Wheel -- Pete and Margaret
If you were absent today, listen to #19, Broken Wheel, and write under the three columns dein your composition book what the claim, evidence, and warrant are in this case.
5 minute mystery