Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wednesday/Thursday, February 13/14, 2013

IMPORTANT:  To turn in your scary story, have it ready to be graded, and turn in your pink packet with the plot map, rough draft, and grading sheet. 
  • Please write your name and period on your grading sheet. 
  • Don't forget to include in your story heading for each part of the plot:  exposition, rising action, climax, falling action/resolution.   


  • Also, don't forget your three instances of figurative language underlined or highlighted. 

For Valentines' Day

-- Pick up your composition books. -- 
-- We have a new seating arrangement today.   
Find your new seat.  -- 

1.  iWriteRight:  Phrases and Clauses   
a. Copy and label this sentence: 
I understood phrases and clauses after we studied them in English class. 
Independent clause:  I understood phrases and clauses 
Dependent clause:  after we studied them
Phrase: in English class

b. Copy this imitation of the above sentence: 

Jerry saw a gorilla as he walked home through the snowstorm. 
Independent clause:  Jerry saw a gorilla
Dependent clause:  as he walked home
Phrase: through the snowstorm

c. Now you create another imitation, using the same pattern:


Independent clause: [This could stand on its own as a sentence.]
Dependent clause:  [Begin it with a subordinating conjunction.]

Types of Sentences (and Families)

Independent Clause

[Learn more at]
An independent clause is a part of a sentence that can stand alone and make sense by itself.
Every independent clause contains a subject and a verb. 

Dependent Clause

[Learn more at]
A dependent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb, but cannot stand alone or make sense by itself.
A dependent clause needs to be attached to independent clause in order to make sense.
A phrase is a group of related words that lacks either a subject or a verb (predicate) or both.  

2.  Begin book groups
a. Create a booklet for your group:  
Use three sheets of paper. 
Fold them over as directed.  
Staple as directed. 
Flap #1:  Book Title, Author,  Your names (Fill this out.)
Flap #2:  The Setting, The Characters (Fill this out after reading,)
Flap #3:  A summary for today's reading, with questions, unknown words  (Fill this out after reading.)

b.  Receive Sticky Notes
c.  Have one member of your group pick up your books
d.  Read individually. 
Use sticky notes to take notes or mark places you want to discuss. 
e.  Discuss what you've read and work on the booklet as a group.
         Record the page where you left off  on your reading log.
f.  Have one group member return books neatly to the shelves.   
g. Have another turn in the booklet to the wire basket.

If you'd like to, you may bring non-messy treats for your group next time. 

IMPORTANT:  To turn in your scary story, have it ready to be graded, and turn in your pink packet with the plot map, rough draft, and grading sheet.