Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Originally published, April 23, 2012.
You will vote for 8th grade officers (for next year)  during the first few minutes of Cave Time today.  
1. Self- Starter: Write about your contemporary realistic fiction book.  Literary Letter #1 -- See below.

2. Prefix and Suffix Review -- Practice Test    Pretest on Prefix- Suffix.doc

3. Begin reading Stand Tall by Joan Bauer  -- Anticipation Guide, Begin chapters
Here is the first part of the packets for Stand Tall:   Stand Tall Packet Part 1.doc

A1 did only I - III of the anticipation guide.  The rest of the classes did I-III on pages 1 and 2.
A2  did I-III on the anticipation guide and spent a little time on Self-Starter on page 3, and read the first three pages.
A3  did I-III on the anticipation guide and did an introduction to QAR's using the inside of the dust jacket for Stand Tall.
A4  did I-III on the anticipation guide and did an introduction to QAR's using the inside of the dust jacket for Stand Tall, and read pages 1-3. 

And here is the second part of the packets for Stand Tall: Stand Tall Packets Part 2.doc
We will hand out hard copies of that later in class.  
More about the Self- Starter: Write about your contemporary realistic fiction book.   For suggestions for contemporary realistic fiction, see the tab above for Book of the Month, or look under "Life and Its Problems" at   Recommended Books  or  go to  Contemporary Realistic Fiction
If you're not enjoying your book, change to another.

Literary Letter #1: 
Write a letter to Ms. Dorsey, to answer these questions:

What book are you reading and who is the author?
Who is the main character (or one of the main characters)? 
What conflict is the main character (or one of the main characters) in your contemporary realistic fiction book facing?
man vs. man     man vs. self     man vs. society     man vs. nature     man vs. the supernatural  

How is this main character and his or her life like and unlike your life?  

Your letter will look something like this: 
Write it in letter format with heading, greeting, body, and conclusion. 
Don't forget --if you are handwriting it -- to underline the book title.  Italicize book titles if you are typing.

American Fork Junior High School
Room 206 
Period A2
April 23, 2012

Dear Ms. Dorsey,  [Tell about the book and the main character, and his or her main conflict.  This example is NOT realistic fiction.]
      I’m reading Speed of Light by Lee Baker.  The main character in my book is Pierce Black.  His biggest conflict is man vs. man because there are people trying to kill him who have already killed his wife and brother in law and others.  
[Tell how you're NOT like the main character.]
      He is not like me because he is an adult and I’m pretty sure no one wants to kill me.   He has been married and has a son, and of course I don’t.   [And more. . . ]
[Tell how you're  like the main character.]
      We do have some things in common because he’s a test pilot, and that is what I’d like to be.  He also enjoys reading Shakespeare plays like I do.  [And more. . . ]
       In conclusion, the main character in Speed of Light and I are alike in some ways, and unlike in others.  I certainly hope I never have the types of problems he has!

Jim White

Grading for Literary Letter #1  from ____________ Period ____
o   ________ In letter format including heading, greeting, body with paragraphs, closing, and signature.
o   ________What book are you reading and who is the author?
o   ________Who is the main character (or one of the main characters)? 
o   ________What conflict is the main character (or one of the main characters) in your             contemporary realistic fiction book facing?  
o   ________How is this main character and his or her life like and unlike you and your life? 
o   ________Handed in by April 27.
________  /30 Total 

Don't forget to italicize the title of your book, or underline it if you are handwriting this letter. 

If needed:  Spelling Make-Up