Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Successful Test Taker

A successful test taker attempts to answer every question.

A successful test taker always reads the directions carefully.
A successful test taker reads through the questions before reading the passage they go with.

A successful test taker reads all answers on a multiple choice question before marking the answer.

A successful test taker rereads  parts of a passage when looking 
for the answers to questions about it.
This successful test taker uses skimming and scanning or closely reading as needed.

A successful test taker does not rush through the test.
A successful test taker concentrates on his or her own work and doesn’t worry about how others are doing.
A successful test taker always gets a good night’s sleep 
the night before the test.
A successful test taker eats a well-balanced breakfast 
on the morning of the test.

A successful test taker will reread the passage if necessary.

 A successful test taker does not get overly stressed about the test.
A successful test taker does his or her best on the test.