Monday, January 23, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Self-Starter:  Apostrophes: How'd They Do it?

Vocabulary/Spelling #8              Test on January 26

 Suffix to study:   -ful which means full of, characterized by (adjective)
  1. careful
  2. beautiful
  3. useful
  4. helpful
  5. frightful
New Words and Word Part:

Vocabulary/Spelling #9              Test on  February 3
Prefix to study:   im- which means not
  1. impossible
  2. improbable
  3. imperfect
  4. immobile

    Lesson on Conflict 

    Words By Heart

    A1 from top of page 3
    A2 from  page 5, middle of page
    A3 from beginning
    A4 from beginning