Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010
1. Bell-Ringer:  
Hand in your disclosure signatures if you have them, and . . .
Turn to the last page of your composition book.  Label it "Everyday Editing."  Read the following, then write two or more sentences about what you notice.  This could be about a story they might come from, or about the characters, or about the way the author writes it.   You do not have to copy the sentences.  Just write about what you notice about them.  Almost any answer works -- as long as it connects to the sentences given. 

Everyday Editing #1  
1. Miss Karpou was young, she was pretty, and she had been nice to

    me.  I didn’t want her to be sad.

2.  Orville smiled a big, nasty, gap-toothed smile, and said, “I’m gonna

     turn you into dog meat.”

3.  I could see only one place where no one would look for me.
     The dumpster.
      The Mancatcher would be coming through the door soon.  No time to think – only to do.  I ran across the loading dock, grabbed the lip of the dumpster, and swung my leg over the edge.
         When I looked down inside I almost changed my mind.  Four feet below me waited a smelly mass of banana peels, bread crusts, half-eaten hamburgers, and things too gross to mention.  I considered turning back.  Then I heard the door start to swing open.


2. Receive your Book-of-the-Month Club Assignment. 
One-Pager A Updated.doc  -- This is the Book-of-the-Month Assignment.

3. Reading Minute [If you liked it, you might want to go to http://www.brucecoville.com/.]

In your composition book you should have started a list of reading minutes.  Here are the first two:
Antsy Does Time    Neal Shusterman      ["yes" or "no" whether you'd be interested in reading it]
My Teacher Fried My Brains    Bruce Coville         ["yes" or "no" whether you'd be interested in reading it]

4. We discussed our Everyday Editing -- Noticing   (Standard 2, Objective 3 -- Correct use of commas in a series.)

5. Receive or remember Spelling Assignment and practice  -- We will have our test on the assigned names on September 9.  (Standard 2, Objective 3 -- Correct grade level spelling. Includes word study /awareness/ word attack) See the following links:

First Assignments for 2010-2011 and 

Spelling Tests and

Teacher Names and Forms of Address (This is a list of teacher names with the correct way to address each one.)  and 

Procedure for Studying Spelling Words (This is what we are practicing today.)


To print a new copy of the handout for your first spelling assignment, click here:

Spelling Teachers' Names Comp

6.  Speed Getting Acquainted (No, not speed-dating, but something like that without the dating part!)
Practice Interviewing by interviewing classmates. (Inquiry -- State Core -- Standard 3, Objective 1)

Interviewing Etiquette:
  1. Be friendly -- "I am glad to be spending this time with you."
  2. In this assignment, take turns answering the question.   
  3. When the other person is talking, pay close attention.
  4. Be responsive, nod, smile, make eye contact -- show that you are awake and listening.
  5. When you are answering a question, speak clearly and be willing to explain your answer.

Don't forget to bring your composition book

if you have not yet brought it. 

Please write your first and last name and period 

on the front.