Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 18/19, 2010

May 18/19, 2010
Self-Starter:  Composition book entry -- Write about Fairy Tales -- about 1/2 page of anything related to fairy tales, then another half page to either finish the story Ms. Dorsey started reading, or to tell what would be different about a particular fairy tale if you placed it in modern times.

Students listened to part of the retold fairy tale "Hansel's Eyes" by Garth Nix (found in A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling.)

 ( A1 needs to take the lie/lay test.) -- Taken and corrected!
Work on Parts of Speech packets.
B1 watched nouns, pronouns, verbs
B2 watched nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs

Important notes:
Book Fine Lists will be handed in tomorrow -- May 20th.
If you need a retake on lie/lay or plot, come to Cave Time.
Next time:
Grade composition books
Subject-Verb Agreement Test
Last day to hand in late work

May 24/25:  Test on Parts of Speech and an Assessment covering all year.
If you will not be here, arrange with me to take the tests before then.

The 19th is Locker-Check Day!  Have your lockers cleaned and ready to be checked.