Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 10/11, 2010

May 10/11, 2010

Book-of-the-Month projects are due next time.
Return all books checked out from the classroom by this Friday, May 14.

The teacher shared a passage from The Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu.
The teacher read Quick as a Cricket  by Audrey Wood (a picture book of similes) to the class.
In your composition book, list as many similes as you can.
Figurative Language  -- Lesson Power Point and Hall Walk

The PowerPoint taught the difference between literal and figurative, and taught seven techniques of figurative language:
onomotapoeia, metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, idiom, and personification

We looked at Figurative Language from the short stories we've read.
Students worked on writing a poem -- "I Know Three Skeleton Key"

Your poem has four stanzas -- Each begins --  "I Know Three Skeleton Key"

"I Know Three Skeleton Key"
Briefly and powerfully describe four things you see.

"I Know Three Skeleton Key"
Briefly and powerfully describe four things you hear.

"I Know Three Skeleton Key"
Briefly and powerfully describe four things you smell.

"I Know Three Skeleton Key"
Briefly and powerfully describe four things you feel.

[B2 needs to share their poems. ]
[A1 needs to do the gallery walk.]
[A4 needs to finish the gallery walk.]