Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29/30, 2008

September 29/30, 2008
Self-Starter: Start setting up your composition book by following these directions:
1. Leave the first page blank.
2. Label the second page "Reading List." (This is a list of the books you read for this class.)
3. Draw 5 columns:
# / Title / Author / Genre / Date Completed
4. Count 5 pages.
5. Label the next page after the 5 "Books to Read." (This is a list of books you'd like to read.)
6. Draw 4 columns.
Title / Author / Genre / Read (You'll check this column after you read the book this year.)

-- Receive tests back. Complete checklist. Read other students' book recommendation letters and list on your "Books to Read" page the ones you'd like to read.

Keep your tests and checklists in your binder.

The actual points possible for this test on PowerGrade is 60, though there were 70 points possible on the test. Therefore, if you got over 60 points, you got more than 100 percent!

If you were not here for the test, or did not bring your book to do it, plan on staying after school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday to take the test. Bring your book!

-- Outsiders -- Practice for filling out the Book-of-the-Month reading logs.

Outsiders reading by class: (and students filled in a space on their reading log for The Outsiders)
B1 -- p. 87
B2 -- p. 83
B3 -- p. 88
A1 -- p. 89
A2 -- p. 91