Character Reading Log
Here is a sample of filling in the reading log for October:
Day 1: Date Read _September 26, 2008__
Pages Read pages 1 - 30
Character: ___Redd (She used to be known as Rose Heart.)___
A quote from the novel that reveals something about this character: "I"ve come! she yelled, the words ricocheting off the cloudy looking glasses. . . (page 1) "And they had the impudence to blame me!" she yelled. (page 3)
How did you learn this? (check one) __x__The narrator told me. (This narrator is third person.) (or) _____Another character said it.
In the above quote, is the information about --
_____x__ what the character says and how he or she says it?
________ what the character does (his or her actions)?
________ what the character thinks?
________ what the character looks like (appearance)?
Here’s what I’m thinking or feeling about this character: She's very loud and unpleasant, yelling her words angrily.