Thursday, September 11, 2008

Binder So Far

Binder So Far
Here is what you should have filed under your divider(s) -- in a three ring binder --for English so far:
Your disclosure document (unless a parent is keeping it)
Word webs (pink) for
1. fiction (filled out as far as we have filled it out)
2. nonfiction (filled out as far as we have filled it out)
3. genre (filled out as far as we have filled it out)
4. novel (filled out as far as we have filled it out)
5. exposition (filled out as far as we have filled it out, including exposition from Outsiders, chapter 1 about characters -- the boys) --with the plot map on the back with the exposition box filled out
Other papers:
6. Outsiders' Vocabulary (filled out)
7. Outsiders' Opinionaire (filled out)
8. Commonly confused words from the Utah State Seventh Grade Core (goldenrod)
9. Walk About -- Collecting Confusing Words (filled out)
(Your current reading log could be here or with your book.)