Saturday, December 1, 2007

November 30, 2007

November 30, 2007

Giver link:

Today the novel portfolios, part 1 were due. Students handed in the packets with the first three assigngments : the main character chart, the illustration of the setting, and the cast of characters.
1. We talked about how to use the verbs lie and lay.

Notes on Lie/Lay Confusions
Lay, laid, laid = to place -- Notice that this verb takes a direct object. That means it is acting on an object. In the following sentences the object is the book.

Present tense (happening right now): I __________ the book on my desk.
Past tense (happened in the past): Yesterday I __________ the book on my desk.
Past participle (has happened in the past and may still be happening):
I have _________ that book on my desk every day for a week.

Lie, lay, lain = to recline -- Notice that this verb does not take a direct object. It is not doing something to an object.
Present tense: I ___________ on the couch.
Past tense: Yesterday I __________ on the couch.
Past participle: I have ___________ on the couch every day for a week.

2. We read from The Giver, chapters 13 - 15.
Questions about The Giver

Q.A.R. = Question-Answer Relationship
Where do you look for the answer to a question?
“Right there” -- Is the answer right there in the text?
“Think and search” -- Do you have to put together several things the author tells you, and perhaps look at several different sentences or pages to find the answer?
“Author and you” -- Do you need to know what the author says, and combine that with what you already know?
“On your own” – Could you answer the question just from what you know or think without ever reading the book?

Answer the following questions on the lined paper you have prepared in your binder under “Reading.” You do not need to write out the questions. Please do number your answers using the numbers on the questions.

The Giver, chapter 13
13. A. Why do you think Jonas tries to share colors with Asher even though he thinks The Giver would have refused permission? (Q.A.R.:This is an “author and you” question.)

13. B. What do you think The Giver means when he says, “without the memories, it’s all meaningless” (page 105)? Do you agree with him? Explain. (Q.A.R.:This is an “author and you” question.)

13. C. Do we need to protect people from wrong choices because it’s safer that way? Why or why not? . (Q.A.R.:This is an “on your own” question.)

The Giver, chapter 14
14. A. Do you think it’s better to share sorrows or for each person to try to bear his or her own pain? Explain your answer. (Q.A.R.:This is an “on your own” question.)

14. B. Why do you think Jonas was able to transmit a memory to Gabriel, when he couldn’t with Asher, Lily, or his father? (Q.A.R.:This is a “think and search” question.)

The Giver, chapter 15
15. A. The Giver shares a memory of war with Jonas. What war do you think this is, and why do you think that? (Q.A.R.:This is an “author and you” question.)