November 28, 2007
Remember that Part 1 of your Novel Portfolio is due on Friday. This will include the character chart for the main character, the cast of characters chart, and an illustration of the setting of your book.
Students made a tiny book to use for studying some of the confusing words (brake/break, desert/dessert, etc.). We will have a test on all of your confusing words in about two weeks, so make sure you know them.
We read/listened to chapters 11 and 12 of The Giver. Here are the questions we answered for those chapters:
Chapter 11 of The Giver
Vocabulary: frigid (80) = intensely cold
perceived (81) = saw, was aware of
poised (81) = staying in readiness
conveyance (84) = carrying, transporting
Write your answers legibly and in complete sentences.
Questions for chapter 11: Read through these before you read, and answer #1, #2, and then #3 or #4.
1. Which senses are involved in Jonas’s perception of the memories? (Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch?) List them as you listen, and jot down a couple of words to show what it is that Jonas is experiences for each sense.
2. How is Jonas’s understanding of the memories he receives different from his usual way of understanding things?
3. At some point in the past, the community seems to have chosen a way of life that is referred to as Sameness. What kinds of experiences and hopes to you think led to this choice?
4. In what ways do we preserve memories in our society?
Chapter 12 of The Giver
Vocabulary: fretful (88) = upset
commerce (89) = buying and selling
civil (89) =having to do with legal processes
abuzz (89) = filled with/communicating about
admonition (89) = warning
flustered (91) = confused, upset
distinctive (94) = noticeable; standing out
kinks (95) = imperfections, problems
relinquished (95) = let go of, gave up
Write your answers legibly and in complete sentences.
Questions for chapter 12: Read through these before you read, and answer #1, #2, and #3.
1. At the beginning of the chapter, what lie does Jonas tell to his mother?
2. What is the “seeing beyond” that Jonas had experienced with the apple and with Fiona’s hair?
3. How do you feel about “Sameness”? Explain. If you don’t like the idea of Sameness, what aspects of Sameness bother you the most and why?