Big News!!!!!
- The due dates for the Basic 8, Book #2 Assessment have been extended!
- Have your passages on the blue sheet approved, then your rough draft (white sheet) approved -- all by October 19.
- (Sooner is better!)
- Then you MUST have your cube done and ready to present by Monday, October 22 for A-Day and Tuesday, October 23 for B-Day.
- Don't forget to write the paragraph about your cube and have it ready for the 22nd or 23rd.
- The term ends on Friday, October 26, and no late work is accepted during that last week so the 22nd and 23rd are firm deadlines.
We will also do a composition book check on that day.
Composition Book Check #2
1. Learning about transitions -- Create a transition collection.
2. Computer lab to type, revise, and edit your comparison or contrast paragraph about two family members. Add transitions.
See the handout.

PowerPoint: Paragraph3 Compare Contrast.pptx(1).pptx
You may write and revise these at home on MyAccess:
through October 12 -- this Friday.
Username: same as Skyward
5 letters of last name,
3 letters of first name, 000 (or 001, 003, etc.)
3. Reading Time
4. iWrite: Window/Mirror October 9/10
Is the character in your novel you’re learning about more of
a mirror or more of a window to you? (Is the character a lot like you -- a mirror? How? Or is
reading about this character more like looking at a different type of person
through a window?)

5. iWriteRight: to/too/two
Our very own two to too posters.pptx
to/too/two posters
6. If we have extra time, we might be able to listen to The Outsiders.
5. iLearn,Listen,Read: The Outsiders
Listen to/Follow along with The Outsiders
A1 -- Today we read from page 72 (16:29) to page 75 -- page break -- (We Crouched 22:23)
A3 -- Today we read from page 74 (19:48) to page (none today)
A4 -- Today we read from page 75 (22:22) to page
B7 -- Today we read from the top of page 65 ("We Crouched" 5:10) to pageB8 -- Today we read from page78, about 2/3 of the way down (28:20) to page
Writing a Great Comparison or Contrast Paragraph
Remember the Hamburger!
Hamburger Paragraph
Paragraphs -- Let's Make Sure You Understand
Transition Words for Comparison/Contrast Paragraphs
Important Reminder:
Basic 8, Book #2 Assessment -- Character Cube
See also the tab above for Required Reading for more information, including more examples.
If you would like to print a hard copy of this assignment and worksheet, go to
Click on the Download tab and open it.
Character Cube Description.doc
We are making the cube using cardstock paper.
Character Cube Description.doc
We are making the cube using cardstock paper.