- Passages and Rough Draft for your Book Assessment are due! Your final draft -- the completed and absolutely awesome cube itself -- is due on Monday and Tuesday. No late work will be accepted for that.
- Friday, October 19, is the last day to hand in make-up or revised work. That includes your MYAccess paragraphs, spelling tests, etc.
- Make sure your reading logs are in your composition books. They will be checked by the end of the week.
- If you are missing days on the log, use the golden-rod make-up sheet to replace those points. That must be turned in with parent or guardian signatures by October 25.
1. iRead: Quiet Individual Reading and fill out your reading log.
2. iWrite: Toast 10/19
Most of you can find your way around a kitchen. Take a few minutes and write
down instructions for making toast as you would explain the process to a three
year old. Then explain the process again, to a college professor.
Prompt: Explain how to make
toast to a three-year-old. Explain how to make toast to a college professor.
You will take notes on a PowerPoint. Create this label in your composition book:

iWriteRight: Proofreading
"Proofreading your peppers is a matter of the utmost impotence!"
Thank you to Taylor Mali!
Don't forget to proofread your "peppers"!
3. About your MY Access paragraphs and the Importance of Proofreading!
or Proofreading.ppt
Read this before you revise your work on MYAccess:
Using MYAccess to Improve Your Writing
4. Reading/Listening to The Outsiders.
Today we read
from page
on audio
to page
on audio
The Outsiders
Chapt. 6 -- 6:27
Chapter 6, 13:13
The Outsiders
Chapt. 6 -- 8:52
Chapter 6, 16:22
The Outsiders
Chapt. 6-- 9:32
The Outsiders
"We Crouched" 28:36
83, top
We crouched. . . 34:10
The Outsiders
Chapter 6 -- 14:36
95, top
Chapter 8, 17:08
Possible Quizzes on
How the Author Reveals a Character to Us
Narrative Text Structure (Plot)
Recognizing Setting?
Comparing or Contrasting Characters from The Outsiders