May 23, 2008
Today was the last day to hand in late work, as posted in the classroom and within this blog, as announced, and as included in the class disclosure document.
We played review games for the novel Stand Tall and other items studied during the year.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Stand Tall, Last Packet
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: making connections, QAR’s, recognizing literal and figurative statements, recognizing theme, using fix-up strategies, recognizing setting, summarizing
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 25
74. Text-to-Self Connection: Have you ever experienced an emergency or a disaster? If so, what?
75. Text-to-World Connection: What real-world disasters have you heard about in which people helped each other? __________________
76. What did Tree see that made him think about hearing his grandpa say, “War is the great equalizer”? (Think and Search/ Reread) ________________
77. Why is it significant that Tree helps Jeremy Liggins? (See last paragraph on page 4, page 26, page 29) ________________________________________
Note: The Trash King says, “There’ll be junk in our lives till we’re dead.” This statement is both literal and figurative. The Trash King and his wife are glad that they’ll be working with junk the rest of their lives (literally), and they know it’s true that a lot of “junk” (as in hard or negative experiences which are figuratively called “junk”) will also come their way.
78. What sentence that the mayor says best fits the theme of “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have”? ______________________
79. What did Fred say that saved him? _____________________________
80. How did he learn to say that? _______________________________
81. Grandpa says a flood is like a war because _____________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 26
82. Use a Fix-Up Strategy, if needed: If you don’t know what is meant by “Temple Beth Israel” and by “Rabbi,” ask another student or the teacher.
The Temple Beth Israel is ________________________
A rabbi is ______________________________________
83. Q.A.R. (Author and You): On page 155, you read the statement, “You’ve got to welcome people back when they’ve been through a war. Nobody understand that better than a Vietnam vet.”
Using what you learned from your interviews, and what other group members learned, and putting that together with what you’ve read in Stand Tall, explain why Vietnam vets would understand the importance of welcoming back someone who’d been through a war.
Note on Theme: “When Grandpa says “We rebuild with what we’ve got left,” that is another expression of the theme: “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have.”
Note on vocabulary/concept: Old Ironsides, also known as the U.S.S. Constitution, is a sailing warship launched by the U.S. Navy in 1797. Old Ironsides participated in battle in the War of 1812, and was used during the Civil War as a training ship. She was given the nickname “Old Ironsides” because of her strong hull made of oak. You could take a tour of Old Ironsides if you traveled to Massachusetts, and she is still occasionally taken out to sea by her Navy crew.
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 27
84. Grandpa says of the rebuilding they must do, “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be ______________________________________.
85. What does Sophie say that makes Tree square his shoulders. (That means it makes him feel good about himself.) ___________________
86. Grandpa says, “The first rule of rebuilding is to find something ________________________
and concentrate on that.” (This statement is both literal and figurative.)
87. How was Tree’s oak tree doing after the storm? ____________________
88. What is a figurative (metaphorical) meaning for having deep roots? __________________________________
89. Predicting: Do you think Tree’s mom and dad will get back together? ___________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 28
90. Summarize Chapter 28 in just a few sentences:
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 29
91. Summarize Chapter 29 in just a few sentences:
92. Is there anything you’d like to comment on in Chapter 29?
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 30
93. What is that moment that is “one of those moments you want to cover with plastic to keep safe”? _______________________
Note: Note on vocabulary/concept: According to, “Phantom pain feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there.”
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 31
94. What is the time setting of chapter 31? ________________
95, 96, 97 Cause and Effect: Why did the veterans march?
95. They marched _____________
96. They marched ________________________
97. They marched _______________________
(Did you notice this last cause somewhere else? Look at the back cover of the book jacket.)
98. Summarize Chapter 31 in just a few sentences:
Reading strategies: making connections, QAR’s, recognizing literal and figurative statements, recognizing theme, using fix-up strategies, recognizing setting, summarizing
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 25
74. Text-to-Self Connection: Have you ever experienced an emergency or a disaster? If so, what?
75. Text-to-World Connection: What real-world disasters have you heard about in which people helped each other? __________________
76. What did Tree see that made him think about hearing his grandpa say, “War is the great equalizer”? (Think and Search/ Reread) ________________
77. Why is it significant that Tree helps Jeremy Liggins? (See last paragraph on page 4, page 26, page 29) ________________________________________
Note: The Trash King says, “There’ll be junk in our lives till we’re dead.” This statement is both literal and figurative. The Trash King and his wife are glad that they’ll be working with junk the rest of their lives (literally), and they know it’s true that a lot of “junk” (as in hard or negative experiences which are figuratively called “junk”) will also come their way.
78. What sentence that the mayor says best fits the theme of “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have”? ______________________
79. What did Fred say that saved him? _____________________________
80. How did he learn to say that? _______________________________
81. Grandpa says a flood is like a war because _____________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 26
82. Use a Fix-Up Strategy, if needed: If you don’t know what is meant by “Temple Beth Israel” and by “Rabbi,” ask another student or the teacher.
The Temple Beth Israel is ________________________
A rabbi is ______________________________________
83. Q.A.R. (Author and You): On page 155, you read the statement, “You’ve got to welcome people back when they’ve been through a war. Nobody understand that better than a Vietnam vet.”
Using what you learned from your interviews, and what other group members learned, and putting that together with what you’ve read in Stand Tall, explain why Vietnam vets would understand the importance of welcoming back someone who’d been through a war.
Note on Theme: “When Grandpa says “We rebuild with what we’ve got left,” that is another expression of the theme: “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have.”
Note on vocabulary/concept: Old Ironsides, also known as the U.S.S. Constitution, is a sailing warship launched by the U.S. Navy in 1797. Old Ironsides participated in battle in the War of 1812, and was used during the Civil War as a training ship. She was given the nickname “Old Ironsides” because of her strong hull made of oak. You could take a tour of Old Ironsides if you traveled to Massachusetts, and she is still occasionally taken out to sea by her Navy crew.
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 27
84. Grandpa says of the rebuilding they must do, “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be ______________________________________.
85. What does Sophie say that makes Tree square his shoulders. (That means it makes him feel good about himself.) ___________________
86. Grandpa says, “The first rule of rebuilding is to find something ________________________
and concentrate on that.” (This statement is both literal and figurative.)
87. How was Tree’s oak tree doing after the storm? ____________________
88. What is a figurative (metaphorical) meaning for having deep roots? __________________________________
89. Predicting: Do you think Tree’s mom and dad will get back together? ___________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 28
90. Summarize Chapter 28 in just a few sentences:
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 29
91. Summarize Chapter 29 in just a few sentences:
92. Is there anything you’d like to comment on in Chapter 29?
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 30
93. What is that moment that is “one of those moments you want to cover with plastic to keep safe”? _______________________
Note: Note on vocabulary/concept: According to, “Phantom pain feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there.”
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 31
94. What is the time setting of chapter 31? ________________
95, 96, 97 Cause and Effect: Why did the veterans march?
95. They marched _____________
96. They marched ________________________
97. They marched _______________________
(Did you notice this last cause somewhere else? Look at the back cover of the book jacket.)
98. Summarize Chapter 31 in just a few sentences:
May 20, 2008
May 20, 2008
Students finished up their packets for Stand Tall.
Students shared their information about Vietnam.
We played a game to check student understanding of Stand Tall.
Students turned in their packets for Stand Tall.
Any checked out or borrowed books not returned to the classroom must be returned by Friday or they will go on the fines list to the front office.
Students who have not yet done their portfolio book talks or completed or handed in other work will need to take care of that after school. Friday is the last day to hand in late work!
A1, A3, A4 -- Don't forget Pizza Day Thursday.
Students finished up their packets for Stand Tall.
Students shared their information about Vietnam.
We played a game to check student understanding of Stand Tall.
Students turned in their packets for Stand Tall.
Any checked out or borrowed books not returned to the classroom must be returned by Friday or they will go on the fines list to the front office.
Students who have not yet done their portfolio book talks or completed or handed in other work will need to take care of that after school. Friday is the last day to hand in late work!
A1, A3, A4 -- Don't forget Pizza Day Thursday.
Friday, May 16, 2008
May 16, 2008
May 16, 2008
Today students continued to read Stand Tall, and answer questions as we finished up Book Talks and signed off and turned in Reading Bingo cards.
Students who have not yet completed their book talks will need to come after school next week to do those.
We'll finish up the packets for Stand Tall next Tuesday.
Today students continued to read Stand Tall, and answer questions as we finished up Book Talks and signed off and turned in Reading Bingo cards.
Students who have not yet completed their book talks will need to come after school next week to do those.
We'll finish up the packets for Stand Tall next Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
May 14, 2008
May 14, 2008
If you haven't turned in your Vietnam Interviews, please turn them in today. If you have two interviews instead of three, that receives 25 or 26 (a B) out of the 30 points.
Periods A2, A3, and A4 are watching the video of our special guest speaker -- Mr. Tom Napierski, who talked with us about his experiences as an amputee. (Grandpa Leo in Stand Tall is an amputee.)
Students took a quiz about the characters in Stand Tall.
If you haven't done your Book Talk, you must do it on Friday, or plan to come after school next week.
The last day to hand in any late or revised work is May 23.
Chapters 19 - 24
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: QAR’s, opinion, recognizing setting, summarizing, using context clues to find word meaning, visualizing
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 19
56. “They’re going to explode someday from all the garbage inside them.” Who is speaking, about whom is the speaker speaking, and under what circumstances does the speaker say this? ___________________________
57. When Sophie gets in trouble, what does the teacher tell the administrative assistant she did?
Which type of question-answer relationship is this? ______________________________________
Note: When Sophie says, “I never think about principals when I’m mad,” this is true, but it is also a pun. “Principals” in this sentence could also refer to “principles,” since when people get mad they tend to forget about principles, too.
58. Do you think the principal handled the situation correctly? Why or why not? ______________
Which type of question-answer relationship is this? ______________________________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 20
59. Coach Glummer’s cousin Sheila says, “The tango is about ___________________ and ___________________ power. It was born during a time of great _________________________
hardship. People danced it to express the ______________________ in their hearts.”
60. In this chapter, who tells Tree to “Stand Tall”? _____________________________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 21
61. What is the weather like as the chapter begins and continues? __________________________
62. Who/What is Lassie? ___________________________________________________________
63. By the end of the chapter, who is at Tree’s dad’s house? (include people and animals)
1) ___________________________ 6) ___________________________
2) ___________________________ 7) ___________________________
3) ___________________________ 8) ___________________________
4) ___________________________ 9) ___________________________
5) ___________________________
Note: Grandpa’s name is Leo, which means “lion.” The lion is often used to represent courage and strength.
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 22
64. Setting: Where is Tree as the chapter begins? _____________________________________
65. Summarize this chapter in one to three sentences. __________________________________
Note: The statement at the end of this chapter, “. . . he decided to focus on whatever time was left,” fits with the theme of “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have.”
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 23
66. From the context (words and meanings around the phrase), what is the best definition you can give for “irritable bowel syndrome”? _________________________________________________
67. How has Tree changed in how he reacts to Coach Glummer? ___________________________
68. How do the other boys on the team react to Tree’s change? ____________________________
Theme Note: Notice that Grandpa had told Tree, “Hard things take time.”
69. What is the emergency that comes up when Grandpa’s in the shower, and what caused it?
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 24
70. When Tree slings Grandpa across his shoulder, what does Grandpa say? ________
Note on visualizing: As I read this part, I visualize it happening to Tree and his grandpa and father, but I can also visualize photographs and movies I’ve seen of soldiers helping each other: an injured soldier with a man on either side, helping him to hobble along; a soldier slinging an injured comrade over his own shoulder to carry him away from the battle.
71. Tree goes back into the house to bring out what? ____________________________________
72. At the middle school, what does Tree ask Mr. Cosgrove? _____________________________
73. Parts of Speech: For each numbered word, write the part of speech each it acts as in the sentences. (Reminder: The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, interjection.)
pronoun 1 2 verb adj. preposition 3 4
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
1. no one ____pronoun__________ 3. your ________________________
2. you ______________________ 4. consent ______________________
If you haven't turned in your Vietnam Interviews, please turn them in today. If you have two interviews instead of three, that receives 25 or 26 (a B) out of the 30 points.
Periods A2, A3, and A4 are watching the video of our special guest speaker -- Mr. Tom Napierski, who talked with us about his experiences as an amputee. (Grandpa Leo in Stand Tall is an amputee.)
Students took a quiz about the characters in Stand Tall.
If you haven't done your Book Talk, you must do it on Friday, or plan to come after school next week.
The last day to hand in any late or revised work is May 23.
Chapters 19 - 24
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: QAR’s, opinion, recognizing setting, summarizing, using context clues to find word meaning, visualizing
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 19
56. “They’re going to explode someday from all the garbage inside them.” Who is speaking, about whom is the speaker speaking, and under what circumstances does the speaker say this? ___________________________
57. When Sophie gets in trouble, what does the teacher tell the administrative assistant she did?
Which type of question-answer relationship is this? ______________________________________
Note: When Sophie says, “I never think about principals when I’m mad,” this is true, but it is also a pun. “Principals” in this sentence could also refer to “principles,” since when people get mad they tend to forget about principles, too.
58. Do you think the principal handled the situation correctly? Why or why not? ______________
Which type of question-answer relationship is this? ______________________________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 20
59. Coach Glummer’s cousin Sheila says, “The tango is about ___________________ and ___________________ power. It was born during a time of great _________________________
hardship. People danced it to express the ______________________ in their hearts.”
60. In this chapter, who tells Tree to “Stand Tall”? _____________________________________
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 21
61. What is the weather like as the chapter begins and continues? __________________________
62. Who/What is Lassie? ___________________________________________________________
63. By the end of the chapter, who is at Tree’s dad’s house? (include people and animals)
1) ___________________________ 6) ___________________________
2) ___________________________ 7) ___________________________
3) ___________________________ 8) ___________________________
4) ___________________________ 9) ___________________________
5) ___________________________
Note: Grandpa’s name is Leo, which means “lion.” The lion is often used to represent courage and strength.
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 22
64. Setting: Where is Tree as the chapter begins? _____________________________________
65. Summarize this chapter in one to three sentences. __________________________________
Note: The statement at the end of this chapter, “. . . he decided to focus on whatever time was left,” fits with the theme of “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have.”
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 23
66. From the context (words and meanings around the phrase), what is the best definition you can give for “irritable bowel syndrome”? _________________________________________________
67. How has Tree changed in how he reacts to Coach Glummer? ___________________________
68. How do the other boys on the team react to Tree’s change? ____________________________
Theme Note: Notice that Grandpa had told Tree, “Hard things take time.”
69. What is the emergency that comes up when Grandpa’s in the shower, and what caused it?
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 24
70. When Tree slings Grandpa across his shoulder, what does Grandpa say? ________
Note on visualizing: As I read this part, I visualize it happening to Tree and his grandpa and father, but I can also visualize photographs and movies I’ve seen of soldiers helping each other: an injured soldier with a man on either side, helping him to hobble along; a soldier slinging an injured comrade over his own shoulder to carry him away from the battle.
71. Tree goes back into the house to bring out what? ____________________________________
72. At the middle school, what does Tree ask Mr. Cosgrove? _____________________________
73. Parts of Speech: For each numbered word, write the part of speech each it acts as in the sentences. (Reminder: The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, interjection.)
pronoun 1 2 verb adj. preposition 3 4
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
1. no one ____pronoun__________ 3. your ________________________
2. you ______________________ 4. consent ______________________
May 12, 2008
May 12, 2008
Students continued to read from Stand Tall, and we continued Book Talks. We will finish up the Book Talks next time.
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: QAR’s, summarizing, noticing metaphor/symbolism, adding to background knowledge.
Chapters 15 through 18
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 15
41. Who is Eli? You’ve seen his name on pages 51, 52, 53, 65, and 67. ____________________________________
42. Who is Fred? _______________________________________________________________
43. What did Fred usually say? _____________________________________________________
44. Just a reminder: Who is Bradley? ________________________________________________
Note: This quote is from page 96: “That’s the thing about winter – it’s so easy to forget the other seasons – it never seems like it will end.” It is referring to more than the season winter. It is also metaphorical and refers to hard times in life.
45. (After page 100) Draw a simple picture that Tree might use to teach Bradley (or another dog) something.
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 16
46. Write one sentence summarizing the basketball game. _______________________________________________________
47. What is Grandpa trying to teach Fred to say? ________________________________________
48. To what places did Grandpa’s prosthetic leg go? _____________________________________________
#48 was a “Think and Search” question since you had to read several sentences to find the answer.
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 17
49. When we’re told that “Tree and his father were there to meet the new member of the family,” who or what is being referred to as “the new member of the family”? ________________________________
Note: This quote is from page 107: “Every step counts. Every step teaches something.” This quote refers to Grandpa learning to use his prosthesis, but it is also metaphorical, referring to life in general.
50. On page 107, Grandpa says of the Vietnam War, “There we were on the battlefield, getting shot at, dying, but it wasn’t our war. That was so confusing.” Then he asks Tree, “You ever feel like that?” What makes Tree feel like that? _______________________________________________________________
51. How far is Ripley (Tree’s town) from the Mall in Washington, D.C.? (setting) _______________________
Note: “The Mall” in Washington, D.C. refers to a long, narrow parklike area that stretches westward from Capitol Hill and is called the National Mall, or simply the Mall. It is the location of the Smithsonian Museums, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Reflecting Pool, the Jefferson Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which includes two black granite walls that meet at an angle. The names of all Americans who died in the war, or who remained classified as missing in action when the walls were built, are inscribed on the walls. The memorial also includes a large bronze sculpture of three servicemen. (Grier, Eunice S. and Atlee E. Shidler, “Washington, D.C.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1988.)
52. Grandpa says, “. . . war is as much about _____________________________ as anything else. Is what you’re seeing real, or is it made up?”
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 18
53. What is Sully wearing at the bus stop and why? _________________________________________________
54. How does Sarah Kravetz (one of the “popular” eighth grade girls) look at Sophie? __________________________
54. At the end of chapter 18, what are Tree and Sophie going to celebrate? ________________________________
55. For the following sentence, (1) circle the prepositions, (2) put parentheses around the prepositional phrases, (3) underline the subject of the sentence, (4) double underline the verb phrase.
Example: Grandpa stood (in front of the full-length mirror) (in the hall).
Your turn: Outside the middle school orchestra room, Sophie was unwrapping ten layers of plastic bags from around her flute. [Notice that this sentence uses a verb phrase that includes a “helper verb.”)
Students continued to read from Stand Tall, and we continued Book Talks. We will finish up the Book Talks next time.
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: QAR’s, summarizing, noticing metaphor/symbolism, adding to background knowledge.
Chapters 15 through 18
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 15
41. Who is Eli? You’ve seen his name on pages 51, 52, 53, 65, and 67. ____________________________________
42. Who is Fred? _______________________________________________________________
43. What did Fred usually say? _____________________________________________________
44. Just a reminder: Who is Bradley? ________________________________________________
Note: This quote is from page 96: “That’s the thing about winter – it’s so easy to forget the other seasons – it never seems like it will end.” It is referring to more than the season winter. It is also metaphorical and refers to hard times in life.
45. (After page 100) Draw a simple picture that Tree might use to teach Bradley (or another dog) something.
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 16
46. Write one sentence summarizing the basketball game. _______________________________________________________
47. What is Grandpa trying to teach Fred to say? ________________________________________
48. To what places did Grandpa’s prosthetic leg go? _____________________________________________
#48 was a “Think and Search” question since you had to read several sentences to find the answer.
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 17
49. When we’re told that “Tree and his father were there to meet the new member of the family,” who or what is being referred to as “the new member of the family”? ________________________________
Note: This quote is from page 107: “Every step counts. Every step teaches something.” This quote refers to Grandpa learning to use his prosthesis, but it is also metaphorical, referring to life in general.
50. On page 107, Grandpa says of the Vietnam War, “There we were on the battlefield, getting shot at, dying, but it wasn’t our war. That was so confusing.” Then he asks Tree, “You ever feel like that?” What makes Tree feel like that? _______________________________________________________________
51. How far is Ripley (Tree’s town) from the Mall in Washington, D.C.? (setting) _______________________
Note: “The Mall” in Washington, D.C. refers to a long, narrow parklike area that stretches westward from Capitol Hill and is called the National Mall, or simply the Mall. It is the location of the Smithsonian Museums, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Reflecting Pool, the Jefferson Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which includes two black granite walls that meet at an angle. The names of all Americans who died in the war, or who remained classified as missing in action when the walls were built, are inscribed on the walls. The memorial also includes a large bronze sculpture of three servicemen. (Grier, Eunice S. and Atlee E. Shidler, “Washington, D.C.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1988.)
52. Grandpa says, “. . . war is as much about _____________________________ as anything else. Is what you’re seeing real, or is it made up?”
Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 18
53. What is Sully wearing at the bus stop and why? _________________________________________________
54. How does Sarah Kravetz (one of the “popular” eighth grade girls) look at Sophie? __________________________
54. At the end of chapter 18, what are Tree and Sophie going to celebrate? ________________________________
55. For the following sentence, (1) circle the prepositions, (2) put parentheses around the prepositional phrases, (3) underline the subject of the sentence, (4) double underline the verb phrase.
Example: Grandpa stood (in front of the full-length mirror) (in the hall).
Your turn: Outside the middle school orchestra room, Sophie was unwrapping ten layers of plastic bags from around her flute. [Notice that this sentence uses a verb phrase that includes a “helper verb.”)
May 8, 2008
May 8, 2008
In A1 we had a special guest speaker -- Mr. Tom Napierski, who talked with us about his experiences as an amputee. (Grandpa Leo in Stand Tall is an amputee.) I video-taped him, so we will watch the video tape in the other classes later. The theme of his presentation (and a major theme in the book Stand Tall) is that when we lose something, instead of focusing on what we have lost, we can focus on what we still have.
Students continued to read from Stand Tall, and we continued Book Talks.
The Vietnam War interviews were due today.
Chapters 4-14
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring, Summarizing, Making Connections
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 4:
Vocabulary Notes:
Mediocre - adjective (page 25) means neither good nor bad; average; ordinary; commonplace.
Epoxy – noun (page 26) is a heat-setting resin used as an adhesive (glue)
1. What is the coach’s name? (Right there.) _____________________ Why do you think Joan Bauer might have chosen that name for Tree’s basketball coach? (QAR:Author and You. Inference)
2. There is a plaque on the wall in the gym that says “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Do you agree or disagree with that? Explain why. (QAR: On your own) ________
3. What inference would most people probably make about Mona Arnold when told that she was born in Ethiopia in eastern Africa? ___________________________________________________
4. On page 28, Mona asks Tree’s grandpa, “So, what have you got, Leo?” She is asking him to look at what he has instead of at what he doesn’t have. He doesn’t have two complete legs, but he can name several important things he does have. What do you have? ___________________
5. Who is Sully, and what “disability” does Sully have? ___________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 5:
6. Where is Tree as this chapter begins? _______________________________________________
7. At the top of page 33, who is speaking? ______________________________________________
8. He says, “Never be a person who wants ___________________,” and
“_______________________________________ is the only reason to ever fight.”
9. On page 37, we’re told, “Occasionally something awful, like divorce, can have a good side.” What just happened that brought up a “good side” of the divorce in Tree’s family? _____________
6. What does his brother Larry call Tree? ______________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 6:
7. Who is Conan? (“Right there”) ____________________________________________________
8. Why does Tree think his grandpa is made of “tough stuff”? _____________________________________
9. What is the prayer that Tree’s grandpa says almost every day? ___________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 7: Summarize
10. Summarize chapter 7 in the box below. Remember to keep events in the same order they’re told in the story.
11. “Tree wondered if divorce was like war and always had a lasting effect on the people who went through it.” What do you think? ____________________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 8
12. After reading page 50, what do you think of Sophie Santack? _____________________________________
13. Tree thinks, “Sometimes it felt like every seat in the world was saved for somebody else.” Explain what he means. __________________________________________________
14. Who is Lassie (in this story)? ____________________________________________________
15. What two jobs is Sophie considering for when she grows up. She says, “one way or the other, I’m going to take care of problems.” _______________________________________________
16. Would you like to have a job taking care of problems? Why or why not? _________________
17. What is Sophie’s motto? _________________________________________________________
18. What does Tree decide is his motto? _______________________________________________
19. What is your motto? ____________________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 9
20. Does what Grandpa says about grenades describe a helpful way to handle it when people say cruel things? How? ________________________________________________________
What do grenades have in common with cruel words? ________________________________________
21. According to Mona, what can disabled people do? ___________________________________
22. The coach makes the Pit Bulls Basketball team sign up for _____________________________
23. If Tree could have changed one thing about himself, what would it have been? _________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 10
Recognizing Parts of Speech
For each numbered word, write the part of speech each it acts as in the sentences. (Reminder: The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, interjection.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cars were pulling up to the entrance. Girls in dresses got out excitedly.
7 8 9 10
Boys in badly fitting suits slumped in misery toward the front door.
1. Cars _______________________ 6. excitedly _______________________
2. were pulling up ______________ 7. slumped _______________________
3. to __________________________ 8. toward ________________________
4. entrance ____________________ 9. the ____________________________
5. in __________________________ 10. front __________________________
Chapter 10, cont.
24. What is the setting at the beginning of Chapter 10? __________________________________
25. According to Sheila, “We begin dancing like we begin most new things. . .”
How do we “begin most new things”? _______________________________________________
26. Grandpa says the secret to fighting a war is to
“hold on to the things you ______________________________________,
“set your ___________________________________________________,
and “______________________________________________________________.
27. Grandpa also says “War does that – it blows things up and leaves
“I’ll tell you something about empty places. They don’t get filled in right away.
You’ve got to look at them straight on, see what’s still standing.
Concentrate on __________________________________________________________.”
28. In which other chapter and question were you asked about what you have? _______________
Read these instructions, and then read Chapter 11
29. Summarize chapter 11 in the box below. Remember to include the most important things that happen, and keep them in the order they happened in the chapter.
Name _____________________________________________ Period ____ Date ______________
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: QAR’s, expressing opinions, inferring, summarizing, noticing the reader’s alignment
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 12
30. “Let’s go with what we’ve got Grandpa.” Who says this, and why? ______________________
31. Who is the Trash King? (Q.A.R. “Think and Search. See also pages 57-58.) ______________
32. Do you think it’s a good idea or not to have a Santa in a wheelchair visit children in the hospital as Leo does? Why? ________________________________________________________
33. Why did Tree feel taller at the end of chapter 12? ___________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 13
34. Larry is ____________________________________. (Who is he?)
Bradley is __________________________________. (Who is he?)
35. Why is Larry drinking? __________________________________________________________
36. Page 87 – Grandpa says, “That’s what it comes down to sometimes – forgetting how you______;
being ____________ in front of your ______________.”
37. From where do Grandpa, Tree, Curtis, and Larry steal a Christmas tree? ________________________________________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 14
38. Vocabulary: Use context clues to figure out a word.
If Tree’s mom has a small Serenity Fountain that sits on a table top and has “gentle, gurgling water [cascading] over small, peaceful rocks” and “That is what her life would become. Someday,” then Serenity (noun) must mean _________________________________________________________
39. Tree’s mom wants to have a perfect Christmas dinner with her sons. What goes wrong?
40. Chapters 12-14: What is your alignment? In other words, from where or how are you seeing the story? ______________________________________________________________________
Remember when we read Words By Heart, and talked about how we saw a scene: as if watching a movie, as if you were the main character, standing nearby, like a bird at the window, etc.? That's your "alignment."
In A1 we had a special guest speaker -- Mr. Tom Napierski, who talked with us about his experiences as an amputee. (Grandpa Leo in Stand Tall is an amputee.) I video-taped him, so we will watch the video tape in the other classes later. The theme of his presentation (and a major theme in the book Stand Tall) is that when we lose something, instead of focusing on what we have lost, we can focus on what we still have.
Students continued to read from Stand Tall, and we continued Book Talks.
The Vietnam War interviews were due today.
Chapters 4-14
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring, Summarizing, Making Connections
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 4:
Vocabulary Notes:
Mediocre - adjective (page 25) means neither good nor bad; average; ordinary; commonplace.
Epoxy – noun (page 26) is a heat-setting resin used as an adhesive (glue)
1. What is the coach’s name? (Right there.) _____________________ Why do you think Joan Bauer might have chosen that name for Tree’s basketball coach? (QAR:Author and You. Inference)
2. There is a plaque on the wall in the gym that says “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Do you agree or disagree with that? Explain why. (QAR: On your own) ________
3. What inference would most people probably make about Mona Arnold when told that she was born in Ethiopia in eastern Africa? ___________________________________________________
4. On page 28, Mona asks Tree’s grandpa, “So, what have you got, Leo?” She is asking him to look at what he has instead of at what he doesn’t have. He doesn’t have two complete legs, but he can name several important things he does have. What do you have? ___________________
5. Who is Sully, and what “disability” does Sully have? ___________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 5:
6. Where is Tree as this chapter begins? _______________________________________________
7. At the top of page 33, who is speaking? ______________________________________________
8. He says, “Never be a person who wants ___________________,” and
“_______________________________________ is the only reason to ever fight.”
9. On page 37, we’re told, “Occasionally something awful, like divorce, can have a good side.” What just happened that brought up a “good side” of the divorce in Tree’s family? _____________
6. What does his brother Larry call Tree? ______________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 6:
7. Who is Conan? (“Right there”) ____________________________________________________
8. Why does Tree think his grandpa is made of “tough stuff”? _____________________________________
9. What is the prayer that Tree’s grandpa says almost every day? ___________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 7: Summarize
10. Summarize chapter 7 in the box below. Remember to keep events in the same order they’re told in the story.
11. “Tree wondered if divorce was like war and always had a lasting effect on the people who went through it.” What do you think? ____________________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 8
12. After reading page 50, what do you think of Sophie Santack? _____________________________________
13. Tree thinks, “Sometimes it felt like every seat in the world was saved for somebody else.” Explain what he means. __________________________________________________
14. Who is Lassie (in this story)? ____________________________________________________
15. What two jobs is Sophie considering for when she grows up. She says, “one way or the other, I’m going to take care of problems.” _______________________________________________
16. Would you like to have a job taking care of problems? Why or why not? _________________
17. What is Sophie’s motto? _________________________________________________________
18. What does Tree decide is his motto? _______________________________________________
19. What is your motto? ____________________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 9
20. Does what Grandpa says about grenades describe a helpful way to handle it when people say cruel things? How? ________________________________________________________
What do grenades have in common with cruel words? ________________________________________
21. According to Mona, what can disabled people do? ___________________________________
22. The coach makes the Pit Bulls Basketball team sign up for _____________________________
23. If Tree could have changed one thing about himself, what would it have been? _________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 10
Recognizing Parts of Speech
For each numbered word, write the part of speech each it acts as in the sentences. (Reminder: The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, interjection.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cars were pulling up to the entrance. Girls in dresses got out excitedly.
7 8 9 10
Boys in badly fitting suits slumped in misery toward the front door.
1. Cars _______________________ 6. excitedly _______________________
2. were pulling up ______________ 7. slumped _______________________
3. to __________________________ 8. toward ________________________
4. entrance ____________________ 9. the ____________________________
5. in __________________________ 10. front __________________________
Chapter 10, cont.
24. What is the setting at the beginning of Chapter 10? __________________________________
25. According to Sheila, “We begin dancing like we begin most new things. . .”
How do we “begin most new things”? _______________________________________________
26. Grandpa says the secret to fighting a war is to
“hold on to the things you ______________________________________,
“set your ___________________________________________________,
and “______________________________________________________________.
27. Grandpa also says “War does that – it blows things up and leaves
“I’ll tell you something about empty places. They don’t get filled in right away.
You’ve got to look at them straight on, see what’s still standing.
Concentrate on __________________________________________________________.”
28. In which other chapter and question were you asked about what you have? _______________
Read these instructions, and then read Chapter 11
29. Summarize chapter 11 in the box below. Remember to include the most important things that happen, and keep them in the order they happened in the chapter.
Name _____________________________________________ Period ____ Date ______________
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: QAR’s, expressing opinions, inferring, summarizing, noticing the reader’s alignment
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 12
30. “Let’s go with what we’ve got Grandpa.” Who says this, and why? ______________________
31. Who is the Trash King? (Q.A.R. “Think and Search. See also pages 57-58.) ______________
32. Do you think it’s a good idea or not to have a Santa in a wheelchair visit children in the hospital as Leo does? Why? ________________________________________________________
33. Why did Tree feel taller at the end of chapter 12? ___________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 13
34. Larry is ____________________________________. (Who is he?)
Bradley is __________________________________. (Who is he?)
35. Why is Larry drinking? __________________________________________________________
36. Page 87 – Grandpa says, “That’s what it comes down to sometimes – forgetting how you______;
being ____________ in front of your ______________.”
37. From where do Grandpa, Tree, Curtis, and Larry steal a Christmas tree? ________________________________________________________________________________
Read these questions, and then read Chapter 14
38. Vocabulary: Use context clues to figure out a word.
If Tree’s mom has a small Serenity Fountain that sits on a table top and has “gentle, gurgling water [cascading] over small, peaceful rocks” and “That is what her life would become. Someday,” then Serenity (noun) must mean _________________________________________________________
39. Tree’s mom wants to have a perfect Christmas dinner with her sons. What goes wrong?
40. Chapters 12-14: What is your alignment? In other words, from where or how are you seeing the story? ______________________________________________________________________
Remember when we read Words By Heart, and talked about how we saw a scene: as if watching a movie, as if you were the main character, standing nearby, like a bird at the window, etc.? That's your "alignment."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
May 6, 2008 video about service given by other junior high students who read Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie
May 6, 2008
We continued with book talks today as students read individually in the novel, Stand Tall.
The students should be close to finishing Chapter 11 in the novel.
We will complete the Book Talks next time and the time after.
Chapters 1-3
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring
Begin Book and Read Chapter 1:
Self-Starter: I. Right after the title page and the dedication page, there is a “poem” (set of verses) from the Old Testament. Read through the lines of the scripture verses; then select the poem as a whole or one line or to write about. Write quickly anything that this poem or line brings to mind for you.
II. Read pages 1-3. Answer this “Think and Search” Question: What is the author trying to tell us about the character Mrs. Pierce, or about the way the school works? How do you know? (Use details from the book.) ________________________________________________
III. Questions: Read pages 4-5, watching for and writing in the answers to these “Right There” questions:
1. What surgery has the main character’s grandfather undergone recently? _____________________________
2. How tall is the main character? ____________________________________________________
3. What is the main character’s nickname? _____________ his real name? ___________________
4. Answer this “On Your Own” question”: On page 5, you’ll find a “big idea”: “Tallness is packed with great expectations.” Is that true? Why or why not?
5. Read page 6 and 7, and make an inference. How far apart are the two different houses where the main character’s parents live? __________________________________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 1 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 1, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question. Your scribe will write the answer on a separate piece of paper and turn it into the wire basket.
In a small group of three or four, select a scribe to record what you decide as a group about this question. Everyone in the group should contribute to the conversation. Scribe, record both what your group decided and why you decided that.
Names of our group members: _____________________________________________________
IV. From what you know so far, is Tree a lucky kid or an unlucky kid? Why? ( My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 2:
V. Read pages 8 – 13 on your own, and answer these questions:
6. Who are Curtis and Larry? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________
7. Where are they? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________________
8. Who is Tree’s best friend? (“Think and Search” question) ______________________________
9. At the top of page 11, it says “Divorce casts so many shadows.” How had divorce cast shadows for Tree? (“Author and You” Question) ___________________________________________
10. Who is Bradley? (“Right there” question) __________________________________________
11. What is Tree’s method of dog training? (“Think and Search” Question) _____________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 2 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 2, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question.
VI. What do you know so far about Tree’s mother? Would you want her for your mom? (My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 3:
VII. Read pages 14 – 22 on your own, and answer these questions:
12. Who is Mrs. Clitter and how does Tree’s grandpa feel about her? (“Think and Search” QAR) See also page 4 and scan for what we’re told about Mrs. Clitter. _____________________________
13. What is the VA? (“Right There” QAR) ____________________________________________
14. How had Tree’s grandfather’s leg been wounded? ______________________________________________
15. What is a prosthetic leg? (“Right There” QAR) ______________________________________________
16. What do Tree and his grandpa do so Tree can stay past visiting hours at the hospital? Why does it work? _______________________________________________________________
17. The narrator of a book is the one who tells the story. In this book the narrator has a third person point of view – he or she is not one of the characters in the book, but tells the story about the characters.
Which type of third person narrator is used in this book? (Awareness of Author’s Craft)
Check (•) just one of these three for the narrator in Stand Tall:
____ Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
____ Limited Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
____ Camera or Objective View – the narrator records the action from his or her own point of view, being unaware of any of the character’s thoughts or feelings.
What evidence (a sentence or two) proves that the narrator is the type you checked above?
Stand Tall, Chapters 1 -- 3:
18. Look back to find out during what time of year (season and month) this book begins. Copy at least one sentence to support your answer.
If you have extra time, you may continue to read. Use the worksheet where you made the predictions (pages 1 and 2), and write down any corrections you can make to your predictions.
May 6, 2008
We continued with book talks today as students read individually in the novel, Stand Tall.
The students should be close to finishing Chapter 11 in the novel.
We will complete the Book Talks next time and the time after.
Chapters 1-3
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring
Begin Book and Read Chapter 1:
Self-Starter: I. Right after the title page and the dedication page, there is a “poem” (set of verses) from the Old Testament. Read through the lines of the scripture verses; then select the poem as a whole or one line or to write about. Write quickly anything that this poem or line brings to mind for you.
II. Read pages 1-3. Answer this “Think and Search” Question: What is the author trying to tell us about the character Mrs. Pierce, or about the way the school works? How do you know? (Use details from the book.) ________________________________________________
III. Questions: Read pages 4-5, watching for and writing in the answers to these “Right There” questions:
1. What surgery has the main character’s grandfather undergone recently? _____________________________
2. How tall is the main character? ____________________________________________________
3. What is the main character’s nickname? _____________ his real name? ___________________
4. Answer this “On Your Own” question”: On page 5, you’ll find a “big idea”: “Tallness is packed with great expectations.” Is that true? Why or why not?
5. Read page 6 and 7, and make an inference. How far apart are the two different houses where the main character’s parents live? __________________________________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 1 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 1, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question. Your scribe will write the answer on a separate piece of paper and turn it into the wire basket.
In a small group of three or four, select a scribe to record what you decide as a group about this question. Everyone in the group should contribute to the conversation. Scribe, record both what your group decided and why you decided that.
Names of our group members: _____________________________________________________
IV. From what you know so far, is Tree a lucky kid or an unlucky kid? Why? ( My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 2:
V. Read pages 8 – 13 on your own, and answer these questions:
6. Who are Curtis and Larry? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________
7. Where are they? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________________
8. Who is Tree’s best friend? (“Think and Search” question) ______________________________
9. At the top of page 11, it says “Divorce casts so many shadows.” How had divorce cast shadows for Tree? (“Author and You” Question) ___________________________________________
10. Who is Bradley? (“Right there” question) __________________________________________
11. What is Tree’s method of dog training? (“Think and Search” Question) _____________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 2 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 2, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question.
VI. What do you know so far about Tree’s mother? Would you want her for your mom? (My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 3:
VII. Read pages 14 – 22 on your own, and answer these questions:
12. Who is Mrs. Clitter and how does Tree’s grandpa feel about her? (“Think and Search” QAR) See also page 4 and scan for what we’re told about Mrs. Clitter. _____________________________
13. What is the VA? (“Right There” QAR) ____________________________________________
14. How had Tree’s grandfather’s leg been wounded? ______________________________________________
15. What is a prosthetic leg? (“Right There” QAR) ______________________________________________
16. What do Tree and his grandpa do so Tree can stay past visiting hours at the hospital? Why does it work? _______________________________________________________________
17. The narrator of a book is the one who tells the story. In this book the narrator has a third person point of view – he or she is not one of the characters in the book, but tells the story about the characters.
Which type of third person narrator is used in this book? (Awareness of Author’s Craft)
Check (•) just one of these three for the narrator in Stand Tall:
____ Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
____ Limited Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
____ Camera or Objective View – the narrator records the action from his or her own point of view, being unaware of any of the character’s thoughts or feelings.
What evidence (a sentence or two) proves that the narrator is the type you checked above?
Stand Tall, Chapters 1 -- 3:
18. Look back to find out during what time of year (season and month) this book begins. Copy at least one sentence to support your answer.
If you have extra time, you may continue to read. Use the worksheet where you made the predictions (pages 1 and 2), and write down any corrections you can make to your predictions.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Stand Tall

Stand Tall Homework -- Vietnam War
Homework for Stand Tall
Building Background Knowledge – Vietnam War
Interview at least 3 adults (40 or older) about what they know about or experienced concerning the Vietnam War.
Take clear notes on what they tell you so you can discuss what you learn with your small group or with the class.
Adult 1: _______________________________________
(name -- first and last)
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Adult 2: _______________________________________
(name -- first and last)
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Adult 3: _______________________________________
(name -- first and last)
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Building Background Knowledge – Vietnam War
Interview at least 3 adults (40 or older) about what they know about or experienced concerning the Vietnam War.
Take clear notes on what they tell you so you can discuss what you learn with your small group or with the class.
Adult 1: _______________________________________
(name -- first and last)
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Adult 2: _______________________________________
(name -- first and last)
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Adult 3: _______________________________________
(name -- first and last)
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________
Stand Tall Packet for May 2
Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring
Begin Book and Read Chapter 1:
Self-Starter: I. Right after the title page and the dedication page, there is a “poem” (set of verses) from the Old Testament. Read through the lines of the scripture verses; then select the poem as a whole or one line or to write about. Write quickly anything that this poem or line brings to mind for you.
II. Read pages 1-3. Answer this “Think and Search” Question: What is the author trying to tell us about the character Mrs. Pierce, or about the way the school works? How do you know? (Use details from the book.) _____________________________________________________________
III. Questions: Read pages 4-5, watching for and writing in the answers to these “Right There” questions:
1. What surgery has the main character’s grandfather undergone recently? ____________________
2. How tall is the main character? ____________________________________________________
3. What is the main character’s nickname? _____________ his real name? ___________________
4. Answer this “On Your Own” question”: On page 5, you’ll find a “big idea”: “Tallness is packed with great expectations.” Is that true? Why or why not?
5. Read page 6 and 7, and make an inference. How far apart are the two different houses where the main character’s parents live? ____________________________________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 1 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 1, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question. Your scribe will write the answer on a separate piece of paper and turn it into the wire basket.
In a small group of three or four, select a scribe to record what you decide as a group about this question. Everyone in the group should contribute to the conversation. Scribe, record both what your group decided and why you decided that.
Names of our group members: _____________________________________________________
IV. From what you know so far, is Tree a lucky kid or an unlucky kid? Why? ( My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 2:
V. Read pages 8 – 13 on your own, and answer these questions:
6. Who are Curtis and Larry? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________
7. Where are they? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________________
8. Who is Tree’s best friend? (“Think and Search” question) ______________________________
9. At the top of page 11, it says “Divorce casts so many shadows.” How had divorce cast shadows for Tree? (“Author and You” Question) _______________________________________________
10. Who is Bradley? (“Right there” question) __________________________________________
11. What is Tree’s method of dog training? (“Think and Search” Question) ___________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 2 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 2, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question.
VI. What do you know so far about Tree’s mother? Would you want her for your mom? (My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 3:
VII. Read pages 14 – 22 on your own, and answer these questions:
12. Who is Mrs. Clitter and how does Tree’s grandpa feel about her? (“Think and Search” QAR) See also page 4 and scan for what we’re told about Mrs. Clitter. __________________________
13. What is the VA? (“Right There” QAR) ____________________________________________
14. How had Tree’s grandfather’s leg been wounded? ___________________________________
15. What is a prosthetic leg? (“Right There” QAR) ______________________________________
16. What do Tree and his grandpa do so Tree can stay past visiting hours at the hospital? Why does it work? _______________________________________________________________________
17. The narrator of a book is the one who tells the story. In this book the narrator has a third person point of view – he or she is not one of the characters in the book, but tells the story about the characters.
Which type of third person narrator is used in this book? (Awareness of Author’s Craft)
Check (•) just one of these three for the narrator in Stand Tall:
____ Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
____ Limited Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
____ Camera or Objective View – the narrator records the action from his or her own point of view, being unaware of any of the character’s thoughts or feelings.
What evidence (a sentence or two) proves that the narrator is the type you checked above?
Stand Tall, Chapters 1 -- 3:
18. Look back to find out during what time of year (season and month) this book begins. Copy at least one sentence to support your answer.
If you have extra time, you may continue to read. Use the worksheet where you made the predictions (pages 1 and 2), and write down any corrections you can make to your predictions.
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring
Begin Book and Read Chapter 1:
Self-Starter: I. Right after the title page and the dedication page, there is a “poem” (set of verses) from the Old Testament. Read through the lines of the scripture verses; then select the poem as a whole or one line or to write about. Write quickly anything that this poem or line brings to mind for you.
II. Read pages 1-3. Answer this “Think and Search” Question: What is the author trying to tell us about the character Mrs. Pierce, or about the way the school works? How do you know? (Use details from the book.) _____________________________________________________________
III. Questions: Read pages 4-5, watching for and writing in the answers to these “Right There” questions:
1. What surgery has the main character’s grandfather undergone recently? ____________________
2. How tall is the main character? ____________________________________________________
3. What is the main character’s nickname? _____________ his real name? ___________________
4. Answer this “On Your Own” question”: On page 5, you’ll find a “big idea”: “Tallness is packed with great expectations.” Is that true? Why or why not?
5. Read page 6 and 7, and make an inference. How far apart are the two different houses where the main character’s parents live? ____________________________________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 1 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 1, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question. Your scribe will write the answer on a separate piece of paper and turn it into the wire basket.
In a small group of three or four, select a scribe to record what you decide as a group about this question. Everyone in the group should contribute to the conversation. Scribe, record both what your group decided and why you decided that.
Names of our group members: _____________________________________________________
IV. From what you know so far, is Tree a lucky kid or an unlucky kid? Why? ( My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 2:
V. Read pages 8 – 13 on your own, and answer these questions:
6. Who are Curtis and Larry? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________
7. Where are they? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________________
8. Who is Tree’s best friend? (“Think and Search” question) ______________________________
9. At the top of page 11, it says “Divorce casts so many shadows.” How had divorce cast shadows for Tree? (“Author and You” Question) _______________________________________________
10. Who is Bradley? (“Right there” question) __________________________________________
11. What is Tree’s method of dog training? (“Think and Search” Question) ___________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 2 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 2, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question.
VI. What do you know so far about Tree’s mother? Would you want her for your mom? (My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 3:
VII. Read pages 14 – 22 on your own, and answer these questions:
12. Who is Mrs. Clitter and how does Tree’s grandpa feel about her? (“Think and Search” QAR) See also page 4 and scan for what we’re told about Mrs. Clitter. __________________________
13. What is the VA? (“Right There” QAR) ____________________________________________
14. How had Tree’s grandfather’s leg been wounded? ___________________________________
15. What is a prosthetic leg? (“Right There” QAR) ______________________________________
16. What do Tree and his grandpa do so Tree can stay past visiting hours at the hospital? Why does it work? _______________________________________________________________________
17. The narrator of a book is the one who tells the story. In this book the narrator has a third person point of view – he or she is not one of the characters in the book, but tells the story about the characters.
Which type of third person narrator is used in this book? (Awareness of Author’s Craft)
Check (•) just one of these three for the narrator in Stand Tall:
____ Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
____ Limited Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
____ Camera or Objective View – the narrator records the action from his or her own point of view, being unaware of any of the character’s thoughts or feelings.
What evidence (a sentence or two) proves that the narrator is the type you checked above?
Stand Tall, Chapters 1 -- 3:
18. Look back to find out during what time of year (season and month) this book begins. Copy at least one sentence to support your answer.
If you have extra time, you may continue to read. Use the worksheet where you made the predictions (pages 1 and 2), and write down any corrections you can make to your predictions.
May 2, 2003

May 2, 2003
Students turned in their Book Talk index cards with the following information: title, author, number of pages, genre, short plot summary, a rating using the five star scale on the assignment sheet.
We read chapters 1-3 of Stand Tall, and students filled out a packet (green), answering questions.
Ms. Dorsey held "Book Talks" with several students. We will continue the book talks next time.
Homework: Students are to interview three adults (40 or over) about the Vietnam War.
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