Monday, May 28, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Hints for yearbook signing: .
Yearbook Day Schedule 

A1 8:15-9:15 Hand out yearbooks
A2 9:20-9:55
A3 10:00-10:35
A4 10:40-11:15
B1 11:20-11:55
Lunch 11:55-12:45
B2 12:50-1:25
B3 1:30-2:05
B4 2:10-2:45

Bring a
 good pen for signing, and plan ahead how you will sign. 

Don't write anything you will regret later.
Don't cross out or draw on anyone's photo. You would regret that later, too.

Write your name in your own yearbook!  
They all look alike!!!

J-Dawgs available for lunch -- $3.00

May 30 - Locker Clean-Out during Cavetime
   B-Day Schedule

LAST DAY Friday - May 31

The outside doors will be locked and all students will enter from the west doors at 8:15am.  Students report to the theater. Students will stay in the auditorium until 10:00 am, at which time they will be dismissed from school.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Thursday/Friday, May 24/25, 2018

Announcements and Reminders for Thursday/Friday, May 24/25, 2018:
Plan to hand in your unused hall passes today!

May 23 was the last day to hand in late work, revisions, and 
extra credit, except hall passes for extra credit.  Plan to hand in your unused hall passes today.   

We have 4 days of school left, including today and the hour or so on the last day.   

Consider ahead what you are going to write in yearbooks.  
Don't write anything that you will later regret.    

Next Tuesday will be Yearbook Day. You will go to all periods.
Bring a pen you like to write with -- that will not bleed or smear.

A1 8:15-9:15 Hand out yearbooks
A2 9:20-9:55
A3 10:00-10:35
A4 10:40-11:15
B1 11:20-11:55
Lunch 11:55-12:45
B2 12:50-1:25
B3 1:30-2:05
B4 2:10-2:45

Targets for Today:

I can show that I can write to communicate, inform, and to perhaps entertain. 

Today’s  Agenda for Thursday/Friday, May 24/25, 2018:

Hand in your unused hall passes.
Take home your posters and composition books.

Finish your Guidebook for Seventh Graders.
Remember, don't use any specific names of people, except perhaps your own. 
These will probably be printed in black and white, so don't use colored text.  
Use an easy-to-read text. 
These are due by the end of the period TODAY! 
civility:  politeness, kindness, courtesy
If you are finished, you may work on other class work for this class or for others, visit (quietly),  or read.  
No computer games!   No goofing around on email, or other programs. 

If You Were Absent on Thursday/Friday, May 24/25, 2018:

Complete the Guidebook assignment at home and share the document with Ms. Dorsey.
The following file is also availabe on Skyward as an attachment.
Guidebook for New Seventh Graders.docx 
Use headings.
Do not use specific names.
See the rubric at the end of the document. 


civility:  politeness, kindness, courtesy

 Help and Enrichment 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday, May 22/23, 2018

Announcements and Reminders:
For Cavetime on Wednesday, May 23, I will have a substitute, but you may still complete and hand in work. 
Thursday, May 24 will be a request day for Cavetime.                       
There may be no cavetime on Friday, May 25, but you may still hand in work.  

Plan to hand in your unused hall passes on your last day of class this week. 

May 23 is the last day to hand in late work, revisions, and 
extra credit, except the unused hall passes.  

We have 7/6 days of school left, including the hour or so on the last day.  

You may take your composition book and poster today. 

-- Cavetime this Week --
[For Cavetime on Wednesday, May 23, I will have a substitute, but you may still work in the classroom and hand in work.   May 23 is the last day to hand in late work, revised work, and extra credit, unless you have made other arrangements with me.
[Thursday, May 24 will be a request day for Cavetime, but you may slip in at the beginning to hand in assignments.

[There will be no Cavetime intervention on Friday, May 25, but you may still hand in work.

Targets for Today:
I can write to communicate helpful information.  

Today’s  Agenda:

Prepare to write a guidebook/advice for students coming into seventh grade next year.
Receive the handout.
Get at least your rough draft down today, following directions.
Use the computer that matches your folder/composition book number. 

You may take your composition book and poster today.

If You Were Absent:


 Help and Enrichment 

Common Latin Roots
auditory, audience, audit, auditorium, audible, inaudible, audition
dictate, predict, dictator, edict, contradict, dictation, indict, prediction
reject,  inject, projection, interjection, eject, objection, dejection
transport, transportation, import, export, porter, portable, report, support
rupture, erupt, eruption, interrupt, interruption, disruption
scribe,  describe, manuscript, inscription, transcript, description, prescription
see, look
spectator, inspect, inspector, respect, spectacle, spectacular
structure, construct, construction, instruct, destruction, reconstruction
tractor, traction, attract, subtraction, extract, retract, attractive
vis, vid
vision, visual, visit,  supervisor, invisible, vista, visualize, visionary

Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday/Monday, May 18/21, 2018

Announcements and Reminders:

Some students will need to finish up their SAGE Testing today.
May 23 is the last day to hand in late work, revisions, and 
extra credit. 

Your book project is due on May16/17  (changed to) 
May 18/21.  
See Required Reading/Book Assessments, April/May for more details.
We have 9/8 days of school left, including the hour or so on the last day.  

Don't forget to study your Latin and Greek word roots!   -- TEST TODAY! 

There may be no cavetime on Wednesday, May 23. 
Thursday, May 24 will be a request day. 


Targets for Today:

I can use symbols to share more information more effectively about a scene from a book than I could without using symbols.

I can show that I know the assigned Latin word roots.

Today’s  Agenda:

1.  Prepare for the test on Latin Word Roots and the SSR Presentations.
2.  Test on Latin Word Roots.
          Write your name and period.
           Write your student number and bubble it in.
           Bubble in the answers. You may also mark on the test itself.

3.  SSR Presentations  in small groups  (Book Project)
     Write your name under "Student Presenting"  on one paper for each other student in your group.
     For each student you grade, write your name by "Student Scoring."

Return the sheets you graded people on to those you graded.  Each person should staple their own grades to their planning sheets, then hand in the packet to the top wire basket.

When finished, read, draw, visit quietly.

If You Were Absent:

See above.
Arrange a time to take the test and to present your SSR. 


 Help and Enrichment 

More examples: 

Figurative Language:  (for your posters) 

More Examples of Figurative Language!


"A hook shot kisses the rim. . . "
              from  "Fast Break" by Edward Hirsch



Alliteration example from Adeleigh W. :
Baby Billy broke my big brother's bottle of blobs, but built it back together by bananas, and Billy's buddies (Bilbo, Bach, Bonnie, Brian, Brianna, Becca, Benny, Ben, Bill, Bob, and Breatta) dropped by to buy the bottles of blueish, brownish blobs.

And just for fun:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wednesday/Thursday, May 16/17, 2018

Announcements and Reminders:
Some students will need to finish up their SAGE Testing today.  
May 23 is the last day to hand in late work, revisions, and 
extra credit. 

Your book project is due on May16/17  (changed to) 
May 18/21.  You will receive extra credit if you present early. 
See Required Reading/Book Assessments, April/May for more details.
We have 13/12 days of school left, including the hour or so on the last day.  

Don't forget to study your Latin and Greek word roots!  

Targets for Today:

I can show what I know about reading comprehension (by taking the RI reading test). 
I can use my time wisely to prepare for my book of the month presentation next time (Symbolic Story Representation).

Today’s  Agenda:

1.  Quick look at symbols --

2. RI  -- Lab 224  -- Sit at your folder/composition book number.

Log in to the RI using
Username: YourStudent #
Password:  YourStudentNumber@AFjh  (uppercase AF, lower case jh)

Taking the RI Test

sample question: 

3. Work on your book projects.

Other types of symbols --
elements:   fire, wind, water, etc. 
shapes:   circle for wholeness, heart, triangle for strength 

If You Were Absent:
See above. 


 Help and Enrichment