Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday, October 16/17, 2018

Announcements and Reminders for Tuesday/Wednesday, October 16/17, 2018:
Today is the last day of class for Term 1.   
I am working on getting all of the stories graded or regraded.  They will be on your term grade by Saturday, October 20, by 10 pm.  

Make sure you sign up for your Contemporary Realistic Fiction book by Wednesday.   You will still get full points if you sign up by the end of school on Wednesday. 

If you haven't handed in unused hall passes, do it today! 

There will be no intervention Cave Time in Ms. Dorsey's room on Wednesday, October 17.                  

Targets for Today:

I can notice possible themes in fictional books,  and can collect evidence for them. 

Today’s  Agenda for Tuesday/Wednesday, October 16/17, 2018:

1. Wednesday:   Students had 20 or so  minutes in the Media Center to find or read their Contemporary Realistic Fiction books
See the tab above (Required Reading. .. ) for the details of the book project.

B8 needs to do the Outsiders Vocabulary exercise. 

2. Pick up your composition books. 
Answer this prompt in your composition book.  Label it "Groups" and add today's date.  Write at least a half page in complete sentences, addressing any or all of these questions:
What sorts of groups/cliques do we have at our school?  (Describe as many as you can.)  Are kids broken into groups based on money, interests, backgrounds, grades, race, religion, or what else?  
Do they get along, not get along, or pretty much ignore each other.  
Are the interactions among groups at our school good for the school and students or bad? 
Where do you fit?  

Responde a esta pregunta en tu libro de composición. Etiquétalo como "Grupos" y agrega la fecha de hoy. Escriba al menos media página en oraciones completas, abordando cualquiera o todas estas preguntas:
¿Qué tipo de grupos / camarillas tenemos en nuestra escuela? (Describa a todos los que pueda.) ¿Se divide a los niños en grupos basados ​​en dinero, intereses, antecedentes, calificaciones, raza, religión o qué más?
¿Se llevan bien, no se llevan bien, o se ignoran bastante entre sí?
¿Las interacciones entre los grupos de nuestra escuela son buenas para la escuela y para los estudiantes o malas?
Donde encajas?

3.  Composition Book Check:  

  • Put your own name on a yellow grading sheet.
  • Put it into your composition book at the first written response.
  • Pass it to the front two people in your column.
  • For the other student's composition book,  write your name, then check for points. 
  •       See the directions on the yellow sheet.
  •       If they have the written response and haven't written a half-page, give them points for the percentage they have written.  
  •      If they have the sentences and haven't written down what they noticed, give them two points for each incomplete CSI.  
Check yours to make sure it has been graded correctly.  If not, see me.  
Hand in your yellow slip to the top wire basket. 

4.  Notice and Note Signposts 

 Contrasts and Contradictions -- a boy who is supposed to be hard and mean cries after he accidentally kills a bird.

Aha Moment -- In Among the Hidden,  this happens to Luke. 
 "The answer was there instantly,  as if he'd known it all along and his brain was just waiting for him to come looking."  

Sentence starters for Aha Moments -- 
"I realized. . .  "  
"I suddenly understood. . . . "
"It came to me that. . . "  
"Now I knew. . . " 

Tough Questions -- "I wonder what I should do about. . . . "
"Why did Papa have to die?  Why did he leave me and mama? "  
     Has anyone read this book?  

Words of the Wiser -- 
"Ya gotta do what your heart tells you" (p. 39).  --  Riding Freedom

Tuck Everlasting -- Tuck tells Winnie,  
"It's a wheel, Winnie. Everything's a wheel, turning and turning, never stopping. The frogs is part of it, and the bugs, and the fish, and the wood thrush, too. And people. But never the same ones. Always coming in new, always growing and changing, and always moving on. That's the way it's supposed to be. That's the way it is." (12.6)

Again and Again  -- In Hatchet, Brian keeps calling to mind something he calls "The Secret." 

Memory Moment -- Ponyboy remembers and tells about when Johnny was beaten by the Socs.

5. The Outsiders -- listen and watch for evidence of themes 
Last time:  
A2 -- from  Chapter 2, 15:43, page 28 to  Chapter 3, 12:15, page 44 -- blue Mustang coming down the street.

B5 -- from  page 15, chapter 1, 28:13 to page ______,  chapter 2, 7:46. 
B6 -- -- from  page 10, Chapter 1, 18:00 minutes --   He liked fights, blondes, and for some unfathomable reason, school to page 24 "Leave her alone." page 24,  chapter 2, minute 9:37.
B8 -- from  chapter 2, 12:45, page  27, "Just not dirty" to Chapter 2, 20:29, pg. 20 "A cigarette would steady it."   

Wednesday:   15 minutes in the Media Center to find or read your Contemporary Realistic Fiction books
B8 needs to do the Outsiders Vocabulary exercise. 

If You Were Absent:


 Help and Enrichment