While the sales on school supplies are available, it's a good idea to stock up on the things you'll need later, but that will be much more expensive then ! If you are able to, you might want to get enough paper, pencils, and pens to last for the school year.
Note: If your family cannot afford school supplies, please speak with a teacher or administrator.
⇒ Parents, please sign the AUP (computer/internet use) agreement as soon as possible. Parents must sign into Skyward under their parent account to do this. Look for a link to "Computer and Internet Use Permission Form."
Here are some required and suggested items.
1. Required (You will definitely need these):
- Composition books -- Ms. Dorsey asks her students to bring a composition book to use for readers' and writers' workshop. You might want to buy a couple when they are on sale. You should have it at school by the beginning of the second week of school. Sooner is better!

- Plenty of lined paper (Get enough to last for the school year, since it costs so much more when it's not on sale.)
- Plenty of pencils (Teachers usually keep some on hand for students to borrow in an emergency, but students should supply their own, and should not break or throw pencils.) If you like to use mechanical pencils, have extra lead on hand. Teachers likely won't have it.
- I'd really appreciate it if you could donate
- some pencils to the class!

- Pens with black or dark blue (indigo) ink
This link leads to some interesting
information about choosing a pen color.
- Parents, please don't send sharpies or other permanent ink pens to school with your students. They can quickly become a nuisance item. If they need to use them to mark binders, notebooks, P.E. clothes, etc., please do that at home.
- Colored Pencils (This can just be the regular pack -- a larger variety of colors is totally optional!) We will use these to color code grammar exercises, paragraphs, and essays, and to add snaz (coolness, awesomeness, excitement, greatness) to some other assignments.

- Binder dividers -- You can buy these or make your own with index or construction paper.
2. These items are suggested, but not required:
- Your Colored pencils may also be needed for history class, and come in handy at times in other classes.
- Spiral notebooks -- Watch for those that go on sale for seventeen or twenty-five cents each.
- A three-ring hole-punch that fits in your binder is very helpful if you receive handouts that haven't been punched.
- A small manual pencil sharpener is nice to have.
- A small pack of Kleenex -- We usually have facial tissues/Kleenex available in our classrooms, but they are not soft on a tender nose.
- Hand sanitizer
- If you find a good deal, you might want to have on hand some poster board. Sometimes teachers will assign students to create posters, and it's helpful not to have to run out to the store at 10 pm when the student remembers he or she has a poster due the next day. [Yes, I've been there, done that with my own children!]
- Sticky notes and highlighters
Don't forget Back-to-School Night on August 17 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
7th Grade Day (Optional 1/2 Day)
When?Monday, August 21 -- 8:15 am to 11:00 am
For our Class Disclosure Document

To donate to our classroom -- pick up a form or go HERE
and specify Ms. Dorsey's classroom under "Purpose of Donation."
We always need more books for students to read!
I'd like to purchase a couple of standing desks for students.
For our Class Disclosure Document
Download the disclosure document from here:
To open it, click on the link above, then click on the download tab.