and Reminders:
B5 and A1: Count-Down to End of Term: 6 class periods, then we are done! B6 and B7: Count-Down to End of Term: 7 class periods, then we are done!
I have Santa Letters!
Letters to Santa--Dorsey Adapt..pptx
Charity Basketball Games
Charity Basketball games on December 17 and 18. Seventh graders will go during B1 and A1. Don't forget to have your grades up and to bring your dollars! This year we have a MATCH for what funds are going to be raised. For our usual $2,500.00 that we raise can turn to $5,000.00. For every dollar you contribute it turns into $2.00, and you are more than welcome to donate more. The funds stay in OUR school. ______________________________
Don't forget that you can practice your spelling with
Spelling practice: and
Study for the Argument Vocabulary Post Test.
Quizlet for argument vocabulary:
(Notice that Quizlet provides you with several different ways to study for the test.)
Important Note: When we take the argument vocabulary post test (in Term 2), you will be expected to know ALL of the terms and their definitions. __________________________________ December Book of the Month
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY + AN OPPORTUNITY TO WIN FAME AND FORTUNE! (WIN A CONTEST AND SOME DOLLARS) See this packet for examples: and see page 17 for a rubric. You may do this in place of your book of the month. Hand them in by December 14/15. |
Targets for
Language Standard 2
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Reading: Literature Standard 1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Writing Standard 1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Reading: Literature Standard 10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. |
Today’s Agenda:
Students received their evaluation sheets last time. We will do these next time. December Group Book Discussion Evaluation.docx Important: If you need to do make-up for the evidence charts: Evidence Charts .docx
You need at least 8 pieces of evidence WITH PAGE numbers.
For each piece of evidence you receive one point.
If it has the page number with it, you receive another point.
1. Individual Reading Time -- Your genre for this month is Science Fiction or Fantasy. You are now being graded on your appropriate participation in individual reading time. 2. Don't forget to practice your spelling for the December 14/15 test: whose/who's and write/right/rite.
Comparing the Book and Movie for The Outsiders
Draw a squared off Venn diagram: (Take up a whole page in
your composition book under reader responses.)
About the version of the movie we'll watch: The original movie was released in 1983, and "The Complete Novel" version in 2005. 5. Santa Letters PowerPoint. B5: Important: If you need to do make-up for the evidence charts: Evidence Charts .docx
You need at least 8 pieces of evidence WITH PAGE numbers.
For each piece of evidence you receive one point.
If it has the page number with it, you receive another point.
1. Individual Reading Time -- Your genre for this month is Science Fiction or Fantasy. (SHORT) You are now being graded on your appropriate participation in individual reading time. 2. Don't forget to practice your spelling for the December 14/15 test: whose/who's and write/right/rite. 3. Creative Writing Assignment. This must be done in class.
4. Comparing the Book and Movie for The Outsiders
Draw a squared off Venn diagram: (Take up a whole page in your composition book under reader responses.)
About the version of the movie we'll watch:
The original movie was released in 1983, and "The Complete Novel" version in 2005.
6. Santa Letters PowerPoint. B6/B7: Important: If you need to do make-up for the evidence charts: Evidence Charts .docx
You need at least 8 pieces of evidence WITH PAGE numbers.
For each piece of evidence you receive one point.
If it has the page number with it, you receive another point.
1. Individual Reading Time -- Your genre for this month is Science Fiction or Fantasy. (SHORT) You are now being graded on your appropriate participation in individual reading time. 2. Don't forget to practice your spelling for the December 14/15 test: whose/who's and write/right/rite. 3. Creative Writing Assignment. This must be done in class.
4. Comparing the Book and Movie for The Outsiders
Draw a squared off Venn diagram: (Take up a whole page in your composition book under reader responses.)
B6: From beginning for 1/2 hour. to 29:07-- back up a little before dream B7: From beginning for 1/2 hour to 29:05 -- back up a little before dream
About the version of the movie we'll watch:
The original movie was released in 1983, and "The Complete Novel" version in 2005.
6. Santa Letters PowerPoint. _____________________________________ Last time:
4. Reading The Outsiders
S.E. Hinton cared enough about the way kids were treating each other that she wrote a book. What do you care enough about to do or say something about?
As we read, work on your charts collecting evidence from the book.
A1 read a summary and the last ten pages of the book. Some need to finish reading.
Video to minute 27:00.
B5 had read last time to page 144, "9 cut" at minute 22:29
Video to 29:09 (If time, finish reading the book.)
B6 from page 145, Chapter 9 cut, minute 22:20 to page 155. They read summary and last ten pages of the book.
B7 had read to page 155. Did NOT yet read the summary. . . .
If You Were
See your class above.