Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wednesday/Thursday, February 25/26, 2015

Announcements:  Counselors will be coming in on A-Day/Thursday to hand out registration materials for Eighth Grade.

New Seating Today!

1.  Individual Reading Time
        Have you signed up for your February/March Book of the Month?

If you haven't picked up your January/February Book Assignment, pick it up from the bottom wire basket for your class.
If you haven't handed it in, hand it in to the top wire basket for your class.

2. Analogy
Example --
worrying :  fixing whatever you're worried about  ::  chewing bubble gum : solving an algebra equation

Finish this one -- a duck: water :: I : _________
-- based on - Baz Luhrmann from  Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)

3. Word Parts -- Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots

Add these to your Composition Book under Word Parts 
(page 33).

tele = far

vis or vid  = see

"John Baird coined the word TELEVISION by uniting the Greek word tele (“distant” or “far”) with the Latin word vision (“to see”). Had the word been all Greek or all Latin, we might be complaining that there’s nothing to watch on the teleopsis or the proculvision." from Brian P. Cleary

What other words can you think of that include the word parts "tele-" or "vid" or "vis"?

4. CSI -- Oops --  Comma Splices


A comma splice is where two independent clauses have been spliced together with just a comma.  It will not hold! 

Comma Splice

How could we fix this collection of comma splices? (Write a compound-complex sentence.)
The Church was burning, They realized they could Save the Kids, They went to Get Them.

How about this one? 
There was a fire in the church, Ponyboy and Johnny saved the kids in the church, they were brought to the hospital.


Some great examples from last time: 

After Ponyboy got out of the church, he heard a scream, and  the church fell right on Johnny.

Because Ponyboy was smoking, the church caught on fire, and some children got caught in the fire.

After all the kids got out, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally were in the newspaper, and they became heroes.

Extra credit opportunity:  I'm looking for an effective analogy for this --

 comma splice : complete sentence :: ___________ : ___________

If you can think of one, write it down, and hand it in for my consideration.

Brady K.  (invisible answer)   comma splice : complete sentence :: fair  : foul

Elexus F. comma splice : a complete sentence:: chalk: a whiteboard

Heads-Up: You will be asked to create a compound-complex sentence

at the end of class about what we read from The Outsiders.

page 105  -- Should the book end here?  After all, Ponyboy is home safely and has made peace with his brother Darry.  

5. Read from 
The Outsiders  
B5, P. From page 72 to page 88 to "Dally cussed under his breath. . . "(iTunes Chapter 6, 5:55)
to page 100, "Sodapop kept them in stitches." (iTunes Chapter 6, 25:20) to page 110 "I had a nightmare. . . "    (iTunes page 110 nightmare, minute  0)

B6, Page 41 "Cherry started walking . . . " to page -- setting to page 44 "Well, they've spotted us." to page 59, "He appeared. . . "  to page 79  "nothing real but. . . mist in the valley." to page 99 -
begin page 100, beginning of chapter 7 to page    108  (to iTunes Chapter 6, minute 40:07 ) 

B7, Page 40 "You're not so smart at ten." to page 51  halfway to page 60 "He half dragged me." to page 75 -- [Outsiders page 45, track 2 -- minute 22:21]
to page 93, page break    to page 104 Page break   (iTunes Chapter 6, 32:00))

A1. From page 62 at the page break to . . . . page 78  [Outsiders page 45, track 2 -- minute 27:14]
to page  92 "I couldn't laugh. . . "  (iTunes Chapter 6, -- minute 12:02) to page 100, beginning of chapter 7  (iTunes Chapter 6, -- minute 24:42)

In case it is needed:  Thumper's Advice