Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday, October 29/30, 2014

Announcements and Reminders:  
Don't forget to bring food, clothing, etc. as donations to the Food & Care Coalition.

1. iRead -- Individual Reading Time (10-15-20  minutes)  
Be on task.

Today we will all be reading nonfiction books -- some that would work for the book assignment, and others that would not.

Pick up your composition book, and pick up a nonfiction book from the front of the room.
    If you already have your nonfiction book for the project, you may read it. 

What is Nonfiction? 

1.             prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or history.

When you read nonfiction, you're reading about something that really happened [or something that really is] — it's not a story somebody made up.
                                from vocabulary.com 

Nonfiction will not present anything magical or fantastical or from the future as real.

There will not be made up characters or situations or places.

 What are the qualifications for the nonfiction book you will read?

It is nonfiction.
        It is about real events, people, places, and things. 
It will be either biography, autobiography, or literary nonfiction.

It will have 100 pages or more.
It will be at or near or above your reading level.

As one student said it, "It has to be cool."
In other words, it will be about something you are interested in.

It will be a book you haven’t read.
It will not be on the Do Not Read list.

Next time we will go to the media center.  

You will have time to look for nonfiction books.

CSI  American Fork

Now Investigating:  Conventions in Sentences Investigation

Copy this sentence into your composition book.  Be prepared to share what you notice about it. 

As he struggles, Max pulls out his Swiss Army 

knife and begins flipping utensils: the fork, the nail 

clippers, the toothpick, and. . . a giant Samurai 

-- Gordon Korman, The Chicken Doesn't Skate (1998)

Notice everything you can about the above sentence. 
No more tickets for capital letters at the beginning of the sentence 
or periods at the end. 
It is a correct sentence (I hope), so you are not looking for errors (I hope). 

Paragraphs:  Finish Powerpoint if needed:  Paragraph 2014. Writing Great Paragraphs 

Write a paragraph:  
Subject/Title:  My Goals for Term 2
Central Idea:   I have [the number] goals for Term 2 of this school year.  
Structure:  Central Idea and Support
Voice:  Serious 
Purpose:  I will think through my own goals so I can work on them all term. 
Audience: This is mostly for myself, though at least one other student, and the teacher will read it.  

Write your paragraph.
Share it with a classmate.  This will be determined by the appointment clock.
Number 1-12 spin:  http://www.classtools.net/random-name-picker/47_FXHRJG

The classmate will do this:
Highlight the Central Idea with green. (Green is for go.)
Number the major supporting details.
Highlight the Conclusion with red. (Red is for stop.)

If you were absent today, 

  • please be looking for your nonfiction book.
  • Copy the C.S.I. sentence into your composition book as soon as you can.  Notice what you can about it.  Study the material on the "Conjunctions" link.
  • Copy the Coordinating Conjunctions list  (FAN BOYS) into your composition book.
  • Do the same for the Subordinating Conjunctions list (A WHITE BUS). 
  •       Extra credit is available for memorizing them. 
  • Write the assigned paragraph.  You could write it on a separate piece of paper and later tape it into our composition book. 


B2 Lesson:
LIVE Week -- Hope

What does it mean to have hope?

Have you ever felt hopeless?
Have you ever felt hopeful?
How can we spread hope?


To really get this, you have to watch it from the very beginning.

After watching:
What are some of the simple acts of kindness that you saw?  How did they spread hope?

What are some things that people have done for you that have helped you to feel hope?
What are some of the simple acts that you do -- or could do -- to spread hope?

How do you feel when you do little acts of kindness (sharing hope)?

How do you feel when someone takes time to help you -- especially when you're feeling down?

This week our school is creating a "Hands of Hope" wall.  Please share kind acts that your friends and fellow students have done to help you feel hopeful.  Watch for the "Hands of Hope" -- in the shape of a hand -- on a table in front of the lunchroom.