Announcements and Reminders:
Don't forget to take or retake the Prefix-Suffix test if you need to on Tuesday, May 20, or Wednesday, May 21 during Cave Time.
Also, make up your March or April/May Book Project during CaveTime, if needed. Friday, May 23 is the last day to hand in any late or revised work or extra credit. Please see Ms. Dorsey if you have not finished your state testing. Please return any books you have borrowed from our classroom. Have you completed the 40 Book Challenge?! Bring treats on May 28! On May 28, plan on partying like it's 2014! Bring treats. We'll play English class games (like Sparkle) and eat -- if you remember to bring treats! |
Today’s Agenda:
Librarians: Please check with patrons about books they have not yet returned.
1. Listen to The Giver with a Stop-and-Write or Two
B5 Disc 3, to Track 5 pg. 108
B6 Disc 3, Track 8, minute 1 page 118
B7 Disc 3, Track 12 -- page130
B8 Disc 3, Track 12 -- page130
Stop-and-Write a. page 96 COLOR -- Write about color -- your favorite color or colors and list things you enjoy that are those colors. b. page 99 CHOICES -- Answer any of these questions: How important are choices? Why would it be not safe for people to make choices? Write about a time when you would rather have safety (and/or an easier life) than choice. Write about a time when you would rather have choice than safety. What choices do you want to make and which choices do you not want to make? c. page109 PAIN -- What is the most physically painful experience you have had? What would you be willing to give up to not have to experience pain? d. page 113 MEMORIES and shared pain: Would it be easier if we didn't have to know about all the terrible things that have happened and do happen in our world? Do your parents and other adults try to protect you from frightening or bad things. e. BOOKS -- 2. Grammar Punk Plus -- creating sentences For an explanation of the basic parts of speech, see Parts of Speech Overview from Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab.docx The Parts of Speech are divided up based on what the word does in a sentence. You need to know the prefixes and suffixes, their meanings, and the parts of speech associated with the suffixes. |
If you were absent:
See above.