Friday, August 24, 2012

August 27/28, 2012 Monday/Tuesday

August 27/28, 2012 Monday/Tuesday      Monday is Early-Out Day.  
Monday Early Out
Time Period Minutes
8:15 – 9:25 1st Period 70 minutes
9:30 – 10:45 2nd Period/Announcements 75 minutes
10:45 – 11:15 First Lunch 30 minutes
11:20 – 12:30 3rd Period 70 minutes
10:50 – 12:00 3rd Period 70 minutes
12:00 – 12:30 Second Lunch 30 minutes
12:35 – 1:45 4th Period 70 minutes

August 27/28, 2012 Monday/Tuesday 
This week we will still be on a no-Cave Time schedule.
 Turn in your disclosure document signature sheet if you brought it.
 1. iRead  -- You should be in your seat reading by the time the bell rings.
  •  Quiet  Individual Reading Time 
  •   Fill out your Reading Log after you read.   
  •   Date it 8/28/12.  
  • If you missed school,  pick up a make-up form, read 20 minutes, fill it out, and have a parent sign it.  Return it and hand it in to the wire basket.
If you brought your composition book today, 
see Ms. Bills or Ms. Dorsey -- before the bell or after reading time.

2. iWonder: What questions do you have for us?
  • Information for you:  Book orders are due tomorrow.   After tomorrow you may still order from the same catalogs, and the orders will be sent in again in about two weeks.  
  • Reminder:  Please DO NOT write, draw, or otherwise mark on desks.  

3. iWrite:   Best Friend               August 27 or 28, 2012
         Prompt:   Describe your best friend. Why is he or she your best friend? Use details and give examples!

4. iWriteRight:

a. What do you notice about this passage?   Periods B7-B8   (A1, A3, A4, we already did this.)
       There are no wrong answers.  Just tell what you notice.  You are not looking for mistakes.  You are looking at an example of  published good writing from a book written for kids around your age.

     Lucky Trimble crouched in a wedge of shade behind the Dumpster.  Her ear near a hole in the paint-chipped wall of Hard Pan's Found Object Wind Chime Museum and Visitor Center, she listened as Short Sammy told the story of how he hit rock bottom.  How he quit drinking and found his Higher Power.  Short Sammy's story, of all the rock-bottom stories Lucky had heard at twelve-step anonymous meetings -- alcoholics, gamblers, and overeaters -- was still her favorite.
     Sammy told of the day when he had drunk half a gallon of rum listening to Johnny Cash all morning in his parked '62 Cadillac, then fallen out of the car when he saw a rattlesnake on the passenger seat biting his dog, Roy.

  -- Susan Patron, The Higher Power of Lucky

iWriteRight       Periods A1-A4, B7-B8
b. Label this "iWriteRight."
In your composition book,  number from one to ten,  and list the reasons why the underlined words are capitalized.  

Capitalization: Why Capitalize?

     When (1) I was nine, my parents borrowed my grandmother's new Ford Mustang (2)because it had air conditioning and because my grandmother insisted, and because there was no way our old  
Chevy (3) could make the two thousand miles from our house on Mayo Avenue (4) in Houston(5)  to Decker, Montana (6) , where my father's old Army (7) buddy owned a sheep ranch. . . . It was the first day after third grade at Pearl Rucker Elementary School (8) , and I held the bag of peppermints Mrs. (9)  Dodge (10) had given me, along with a note: "Thank you for being my star this year."  I didn't like peppermints, but they were from Mrs. Dodge, and I loved Mrs. Dodge.  So my two younger sisters wouldn't get a single one for the whole drive there and back.  We drew imaginary boundaries on the vinyl seat and dared each other to cross them.
 -- Kathi Appelt, My Father's Summers (2004)

Has one of your parents ever gone away for long enough for you to deeply miss him or her? This book is a memoir by a girl whose father was away from home for long periods of time, working in Arabia.  Then when he did come back "to stay,"  her parents divorced, so he lived across town with a whole new family.

5. iShowIKnow    Paragraph test  30 minutes
          Show us your best writing in this timed test.

A1  begin at 8:50
A3  begin at 11:25
A4  begin at 1:10

B7  begin at 12:40
B8  begin at  2:10

If extra time -- The Outsiders / character (Nope, didn't get to it.)