With a Little Luck (about inventions -- scientific discovery)
Trapped (about the Chilean coal miners who were trapped in a mine)
Humans of New York
Hope and Tears: Ellis Island Voices
Can I See Your I.D.? (People who changed their identities)
Candy Bomber
Unbroken (especially the young adult version)
Pure Grit (American WWII nurses in prison camps)
The Boys Who Challenged Hitler
Sniffer Dogs
A Woman in the House and Senate
Almost Astronauts
Left for Dead
Recommended 2014:
The Finest Hours
The President Has Been Shot by James L. Swanson
Otzi the Iceman by Amanda Lanser
The Finest Hours Tougias and Sherman
The Whitehouse is Burning by Sutcliffe
How to find literary nonfiction in the media center:
Go to:
- Alexandria (On school website find Resources, find Alexandria on the drop-down menu.)
- Look at the right for a drop-down labeled "Simple."
- Change Simple to Advanced.
- Click on Bibliography.
- Then type in Literary Nonfiction.
Prior Recommendations:
Kyle Maynard: No Excuses -- This was the man born with arms that end at the elbows and without legs who became a wrestler. http://www.kyle-maynard.com/pages/about_kyle

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No excuses
the true story of a congenital amputee who beca...
book (c2005.)
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The Candy Bomber -- He was a pilot who delivered food -- and candy -- to children in Germany after World War II.
Flop Fly Ball -- Facts about baseball
Good Brother/Bad Brother -- The Booth Brothers
The Worst Hard Time -- About the Dust Bowl
The Ledge: An Adventure Story of Friendship and Survival on Mount Rainier
Iceberg Right Ahead -- about the Titanic
Gifted Hands -- neurosurgeon, separating Siamese twins
Left for Dead -- U.S.S. Indianapolis
Trapped -- This is about the 33 miners who were trapped in Chile
Heroes of the Holocaust -- teen heroes -- those who helped rescue others
I Am Pei -- a Chinese American architect who is often called a master of modern architecture
The Real Alice in Wonderland -- the true story behind the fantasy
Tom Thumb -- a very small man who did great things
Elephant Talk -- Elephants have effective ways of communicating with each other -- with at least 70 vocalizations they can make
Music Was It -- Leonard Bernstien
Ms. Dorsey added these:
Toys! Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions
The Great and Only Barnum This is about the Barnum of the Barnum and Bailey Circus.
The Perilous Journey of the Donner Party
Blizzard by Jim Murphy about the 1888 blizzard along the East Coast of the United States
Two Miserable Presidents -- Yes, this is about presidents of the United States
The Pluto Files -- How did Pluto go from being a planet to not?
Apollo 13 (look in 629)
Desert Exile: the Uprooting of a Japanese-American Family (940.54 UCH)
The Trouble Begins at Eight (about Mark Twain)