Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Self-Starter:  Pick up and complete the word sort.  Do not sort them alphabetically. 
 Pre-Suff Word Sort 3 -ate .doc
If you are absent, do this, then ask the teacher for the answer key.  In class most students did it two different ways: one of many different ways you could do it, then the way Ms. Dorsey directed.

2. Themes in The Giver and in your distopian book.   This is homework to prepare for your test on Friday.  supporting Themes Chart.doc

3. Reading The Giver
A1 read from 83 to 95.
A2 read 68 to 81.
A3 read 65 to 72.
A4 read 77 to

Important reminder:
The Book-of-the-Month Assessment will be given on this Friday, December 9.
The spelling test on the "-ate" words will also be given this Friday, December 9.

The Charity Basketball Games will be held next Thursday and Friday. Bring your dollar!