Gather and staple your packets together. You will use them for the test next time.
A2 -- extra credit for bringing your preposition manipulative.
A3, A4 -- Correct the prepositions page.
Play Grammar Punk, adapted
Creating sentences using parts of speech.
More on prepositions:
A preposition isn't being a preposition unless it begins a phrase with a noun or a pronoun (and usually an article, and sometimes other words such as adjectives).
The tables in the cafeteria get really messy. (This prepositional phrase tells which tables get really messy. It is adding information about the noun, so it is an adjective phrase.)
Jumping on the trampoline is great exercise. (This prepositional phrase tells what sort of jumping is great exercise. Believe it or not, "jumping" here is a noun, so the prepositional phrase is an adjective phrase.)
I hid under the trampoline. (This prepositional phrase tells where I hiad. It is adding information about the verb, so it is an adverb phrase.)
Stand Tall
More of Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- contemporary realistic fiction novel
A1 -- 5 to page 14 to page 29 Gargantuan
A2 -- 18 to page 26 break -- Do you agree or disagree that "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"? Explain and tell how that applies to your life? to page 35
A3 -- 14 to page 26 break -- Didn't yet do the comp. book prompt. Do you agree or disagree that "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"? Explain and tell how that applies to your life? to bottom of page 33.
A4 -- 12 to top of page 21 -- wrote about grandparents to page 35
Parts of Speech Test May 24. For Parts of Speech Practice:
More Grammar Games and Activities:
See posts below for the rest of the packets.
More Grammar Games and Activities:
See posts below for the rest of the packets.
No more late, revised, or make-up work will be accepted after May 27.