Friday, April 2, 2010

Using Commas with Items in a Series

Today we reviewed using commas in a series.  If needed, study these sample sentences (from Prentice-Hall) :

1.  Seeing the flames, the child ran out of the apartment, down the stairs, and into the streets.  (phrases)
2.  Dad asked if we wanted to have meatloaf, hamburgers, or pizza on Saturday night. (words)
9.  The reporter asked how the fire had started, when the victims would be housed, and what the public could do to help.   (dependent clauses)

See these links for more information:

This one has a fun Battleship game you can play that provides some practice with commas!

This provides information:  (with practice sentences -- type carefully)

More about commas:

In case someone tries to tell you to leave out the comma before the "and," see this post: