Friday, April 24, 2009

Test Taking Tips

4 A successful test taker eats a well-balanced breakfast on the morning of the test.
4 A successful test taker gets a good night's sleep the night before the test.
4 A successful test taker drinks enough water to keep his or her brain hydrated, and brings a clear bottle of water to the test.
4 A successful test taker does his or her best on the test.
4 A successful test taker is willing to reread the passage upon which questions are based.
4 A successful test taker concentrates on his or her own work and doesn't worry about how others are doing or how far along others may be.
4 A successful test taker attempts to answer every question, and marks and answer for every question.
4 A successful test taker does not rush through the test.
4 A successful test taker will not make any stray marks on the answer sheet or on the test packet.
4 A successful test taker does not get overly stressed about the test, and does know ways to relieve stress during a test.