Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 8/9, 2009

April 8/9, 2009

We checked reading logs.

Students received a homework assignment to be completed by April 21/22. They will each interview 3 people 40 years of age and over about what they experienced or knew about the Vietnam War. In our current class novel, Stand Tall by Joan Bauer, the main character's grandfather fought in the Vietnam War, and some of his friends from that time are also characters in the book. The interviews do not have to be long or complicated. Students should take clear notes so they can share what they learned on the 21st or 22nd.

Students went to the Computer Lab to type an essay in response to the District GoMYAccess post-test prompt. This is an in-class test, meant to take one class period, so they will not be working on this assignment at home.
Students have one hour (no more) to complete this essay.

To make up this test, you have these options:
1) Come during CaveTime, having arranged with your second period teacher to miss the first 15 to 30 minutes of that class as needed to complete the test.
2) Come for an hour after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday -- immediately after school gets out.
3) Take the test in during our computer lab time this week, and write this week's class essay on MYAccess at home.