Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4/5, 2009

February 4/5, 2009

Don't forget that your book-of-the-month assessment is due February 24. You should be reading your book, collecting interesting facts about the topic from the book, and more facts from other sources. Don't forget to record exactly where you found the information from other sources. If you need help, come to Cave Time.

Students recorded the conjugations (past, present, future) of the verbs lie and lay in their composition books.

For the verb "lie"
present: lie/lies
past: lay
future: will lie

For the verb "lay"
present: lay/lays
past: laid
future: will lay

2. In small groups, students made posters to show how to use lie and lay. If you were absent, make your own poster.

a. On a scratch piece of paper, write down 15 nouns and 6 prepositions.
b. On that same scratch paper, create a sentence for each of the conjugations (past, present, future) for lie and for lay.
c. Check your sentences with Mr. Christensen or Ms. Dorsey.
d. Once your sentences have been checked off, get a piece of cardstock and markers to make a poster.
-- On the back you will write all six sentences and your name.
-- On the front you will neatly write the best of your sentences (big enough to read if it were hanging in the hall), and illustrate that sentence. Use color for your illustration!

You will have six sentences. They will use these verbs:

Sentence #1: lie/lies
Sentence #2: lay
Sentence #3: will lie
Each of the above sentences will use these parts of speech in this order:

Sentence #4: lay/lays
Sentence #5: laid
Sentence #6: will lay
Each of the above sentences will use these parts of speech in this order: