Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10/11, 2009

February 10/11, 2009

Don't forget to bring your change for Penny Warz.

Especially -- notice how close we're getting to the due date for the Book-of-the Month Assessment. You're doing this on your own. Carefully study the assignment, and follow directions. Notice the example on the bulletin board near the classroom door.

1. Capitalization/Punctuation exercise (If you are absent, copy this, double-space it, and show how you would punctuate it. -- Or ask for the worksheet -- Follow the directions! Hint: There are two entirely different ways to interpret this letter, and the difference is in the punctuation!)

Punctuation Counts!
Directions: Do your best to correctly punctuate this letter without adding, subtracting or changing any of the words.
Dear John,
I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior you have ruined me for other men I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we are apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours Gloria

2. Read chapter 7 and 8 of Words By Heart. Write down questions, observations, unfamiliar words, predictions, and perhaps draw a picture to illustrate.
Examples of questions like those you could ask for your own Book-of-the-Month:
p. 56 What is a sickle?
p. 61 What is a "kangaroo pocket"? (think and search) -- You need to look back at page 56-57.
p. 65 What is a piano roll, a player piano?
p. 68 What is molasses?
p. 69 Were the books mentioned on page 69 real books that people would have been reading in 1910? Cook's Voyages, Mr. Dickens, Mr. Alger, Mrs. Fanny Fern?

3. Begin drafting your personal narrative essay. You need a rough draft for our next class time when we will go into the computer lab to type the essay. See nearby post.