Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stand Tall, Last Packet

Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer -- This genre of this novel is realistic fiction.
Reading strategies: making connections, QAR’s, recognizing literal and figurative statements, recognizing theme, using fix-up strategies, recognizing setting, summarizing

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 25
74. Text-to-Self Connection: Have you ever experienced an emergency or a disaster? If so, what?
75. Text-to-World Connection: What real-world disasters have you heard about in which people helped each other? __________________
76. What did Tree see that made him think about hearing his grandpa say, “War is the great equalizer”? (Think and Search/ Reread) ________________
77. Why is it significant that Tree helps Jeremy Liggins? (See last paragraph on page 4, page 26, page 29) ________________________________________
Note: The Trash King says, “There’ll be junk in our lives till we’re dead.” This statement is both literal and figurative. The Trash King and his wife are glad that they’ll be working with junk the rest of their lives (literally), and they know it’s true that a lot of “junk” (as in hard or negative experiences which are figuratively called “junk”) will also come their way.

78. What sentence that the mayor says best fits the theme of “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have”? ______________________
79. What did Fred say that saved him? _____________________________
80. How did he learn to say that? _______________________________
81. Grandpa says a flood is like a war because _____________________

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 26
82. Use a Fix-Up Strategy, if needed: If you don’t know what is meant by “Temple Beth Israel” and by “Rabbi,” ask another student or the teacher.
The Temple Beth Israel is ________________________
A rabbi is ______________________________________

83. Q.A.R. (Author and You): On page 155, you read the statement, “You’ve got to welcome people back when they’ve been through a war. Nobody understand that better than a Vietnam vet.”
Using what you learned from your interviews, and what other group members learned, and putting that together with what you’ve read in Stand Tall, explain why Vietnam vets would understand the importance of welcoming back someone who’d been through a war.
Note on Theme: “When Grandpa says “We rebuild with what we’ve got left,” that is another expression of the theme: “When you lose something, instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, focus on what you still have.”
Note on vocabulary/concept: Old Ironsides, also known as the U.S.S. Constitution, is a sailing warship launched by the U.S. Navy in 1797. Old Ironsides participated in battle in the War of 1812, and was used during the Civil War as a training ship. She was given the nickname “Old Ironsides” because of her strong hull made of oak. You could take a tour of Old Ironsides if you traveled to Massachusetts, and she is still occasionally taken out to sea by her Navy crew.

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 27
84. Grandpa says of the rebuilding they must do, “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be ______________________________________.
85. What does Sophie say that makes Tree square his shoulders. (That means it makes him feel good about himself.) ___________________
86. Grandpa says, “The first rule of rebuilding is to find something ________________________
and concentrate on that.” (This statement is both literal and figurative.)
87. How was Tree’s oak tree doing after the storm? ____________________
88. What is a figurative (metaphorical) meaning for having deep roots? __________________________________
89. Predicting: Do you think Tree’s mom and dad will get back together? ___________________

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 28
90. Summarize Chapter 28 in just a few sentences:

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 29
91. Summarize Chapter 29 in just a few sentences:

92. Is there anything you’d like to comment on in Chapter 29?

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 30
93. What is that moment that is “one of those moments you want to cover with plastic to keep safe”? _______________________
Note: Note on vocabulary/concept: According to MayoClinic.com, “Phantom pain feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there.”

Read these questions and notes, and then read Chapter 31
94. What is the time setting of chapter 31? ________________
95, 96, 97 Cause and Effect: Why did the veterans march?
95. They marched _____________
96. They marched ________________________
97. They marched _______________________
(Did you notice this last cause somewhere else? Look at the back cover of the book jacket.)

98. Summarize Chapter 31 in just a few sentences: