Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 6, 2008

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLWZkq_hFXM  video about service given by other junior high students who read  Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie 

May 6, 2008
We continued with book talks today as students read individually in the novel, Stand Tall.
The students should be close to finishing Chapter 11 in the novel.
We will complete the Book Talks next time and the time after.

Chapters 1-3

Text: The novel Stand Tall by Joan Bauer
Reading strategies: Activating Background Knowledge, Using Q.A.R.’s, Inferring
Begin Book and Read Chapter 1:
Self-Starter: I. Right after the title page and the dedication page, there is a “poem” (set of verses) from the Old Testament. Read through the lines of the scripture verses; then select the poem as a whole or one line or to write about. Write quickly anything that this poem or line brings to mind for you.
II. Read pages 1-3. Answer this “Think and Search” Question: What is the author trying to tell us about the character Mrs. Pierce, or about the way the school works? How do you know? (Use details from the book.) ________________________________________________
III. Questions: Read pages 4-5, watching for and writing in the answers to these “Right There” questions:
1. What surgery has the main character’s grandfather undergone recently? _____________________________
2. How tall is the main character? ____________________________________________________
3. What is the main character’s nickname? _____________ his real name? ___________________
4. Answer this “On Your Own” question”: On page 5, you’ll find a “big idea”: “Tallness is packed with great expectations.” Is that true? Why or why not?
5. Read page 6 and 7, and make an inference. How far apart are the two different houses where the main character’s parents live? __________________________________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 1 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 1, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question. Your scribe will write the answer on a separate piece of paper and turn it into the wire basket.
In a small group of three or four, select a scribe to record what you decide as a group about this question. Everyone in the group should contribute to the conversation. Scribe, record both what your group decided and why you decided that.
Names of our group members: _____________________________________________________

IV. From what you know so far, is Tree a lucky kid or an unlucky kid? Why? ( My notes:)


Stand Tall, Chapter 2:
V. Read pages 8 – 13 on your own, and answer these questions:
6. Who are Curtis and Larry? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________
7. Where are they? (“Right there” question) ___________________________________________
8. Who is Tree’s best friend? (“Think and Search” question) ______________________________
9. At the top of page 11, it says “Divorce casts so many shadows.” How had divorce cast shadows for Tree? (“Author and You” Question) ___________________________________________
10. Who is Bradley? (“Right there” question) __________________________________________
11. What is Tree’s method of dog training? (“Think and Search” Question) _____________________________
Stand Tall, Group Discussion for Chapter 2 -- Jot down some notes below for your group discussion. When you’ve read Chapter 2, get together with your group to discuss and answer the question.

VI. What do you know so far about Tree’s mother? Would you want her for your mom? (My notes:)
Stand Tall, Chapter 3:
VII. Read pages 14 – 22 on your own, and answer these questions:
12. Who is Mrs. Clitter and how does Tree’s grandpa feel about her? (“Think and Search” QAR) See also page 4 and scan for what we’re told about Mrs. Clitter. _____________________________
13. What is the VA? (“Right There” QAR) ____________________________________________
14. How had Tree’s grandfather’s leg been wounded? ______________________________________________
15. What is a prosthetic leg? (“Right There” QAR) ______________________________________________
16. What do Tree and his grandpa do so Tree can stay past visiting hours at the hospital? Why does it work? _______________________________________________________________
17. The narrator of a book is the one who tells the story. In this book the narrator has a third person point of view – he or she is not one of the characters in the book, but tells the story about the characters.
Which type of third person narrator is used in this book? (Awareness of Author’s Craft)
Check (•) just one of these three for the narrator in Stand Tall:
____ Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
____ Limited Omniscient – The narrator shares the thoughts and feelings of only one character.
____ Camera or Objective View – the narrator records the action from his or her own point of view, being unaware of any of the character’s thoughts or feelings.

What evidence (a sentence or two) proves that the narrator is the type you checked above?

Stand Tall, Chapters 1 -- 3:
18. Look back to find out during what time of year (season and month) this book begins. Copy at least one sentence to support your answer.

If you have extra time, you may continue to read. Use the worksheet where you made the predictions (pages 1 and 2), and write down any corrections you can make to your predictions.