Friday, April 11, 2008

April 9, 2008

April 9, 2008

Important Announcements:
Our school writers’ conference will be held on this Friday, April 11 in our school auditorium during A1 and A2. Our speakers will be Brandon Mull (Fablehaven) and Ann Dee Ellis (This is What I Did). If you would like to go, write a note to Ms. Dorsey explaining why I should choose you to go, and hand it in today.

Don’t forget to hand in your book approvals to the wire basket.

Computer Lab
Students had time to finish up the district writing test on GoMYAccess: Family and Friendship. If you were absent, and haven't finished that, do so right away.
Students who finished the writing test had time to work on a practice test for the CORE test -- posted on the Internet.

Short Story and Plot Map
The students also listened to and followed along with a short story, "Amigo Brothers" by Piri Thomas, and filled out a plot map for "Amigo Brothers." If you were absent, get the story map for that short story.

Most short stories follow this pattern: Plot Map, Plot Diagram, Story Map, Story Grammar, etc.
1. Exposition -- introduces the main characters and setting and gives any necessary background information.
2. Rising Action -- introduces the problem or problems, then builds tension.
3. Climax -- the problem is solved or things somehow change.
4. Falling action -- What do the characters do after the problem is solved or after there is a major change?
5. Resolution -- What was the end result?

This is the information for the computer lab work we did today:
1. Finish your GoMYAccess – District Writing Post-Test assignment if you haven’t. Remember you have only one chance to revise. If you have typed this, check to see if you have any more chances to revise.
Log onto GoMYAccess to type or revise your essay.
Select the Family and Friendship prompt. (If you weren’t here last time, and haven’t written this, get one of the green assignment sheets from the files at the back of the room.)

2. If you have finished the writing test (GoMYAccess), take the practice CORE test.
 If you do not have time to begin the practice CORE test, take this sheet with you so you can do it on your own.

Go to
Log in using your first and last name.
Do the practice test with the date April 9 in the name.
Do as much as you can of the test.
 Before you leave, make sure you click on submit. 