Thursday, January 3, 2008

January 4, 2008

January 4, 2008
Today is the LAST day to hand in late work for this class --
including the novel portfolio (both parts) and the reading bingo.
It is also the last day to work on the MYAccess essay on The Giver. You may continue to work on it after school or this evening at home, but after today it will not be available.

Next time -- Tuesday, January 8 -- you will take the final test on the Confusing Words.

1. Review for Confusing Words -- We played Sparkle to review, with all students writing down the words.
2. Sentence Parts and Parts of Speech Review!
Students took a pretest on parts of speech. We watched "The Tale of Mr. Morton" (about subjects and predicates) from Grammar Rock. Students also completed or took for homework a packet on sentences, subjects, predicates, and verbs.

Students who needed to had a chance to finish up or revise the Giver essay in the computer lab.

If you were absent you need to do these things:
1. Ask Ms. Dorsey to let you take the Grammar Pre-Test.
2. Complete, check, and hand in the pink grammar packet.
3. Complete and hand in the exit slip.