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Introduction to Grammar Rap
See a Sample of Part 1 for the Book Portfolio.
For more suggestions for books, see the blogs for December 19, January 14, January 19.
Practice taking notes from a nonfiction text, "When the Earth Shakes," pages 435 - 439 in our literature text. Look for important facts that could stand on their own.
For instance, the first two pages of this nonfiction article tell about the effects of the March 1964 earthquake that shook Alaska. The part that is presented in story form tells us that
Fact: "An earthquake that took place on March 27, 1964, caused severe damage and changed the topography of parts of Alaska." pp. 436-437 (paraphrased)
The rest of the article explains how earthquakes are produced, and includes many facts we need to understand the explanation.
Fact: "Beneath its soil and oceans, the earth is a big ball of rock with three main regions: the core, the mantle, and the crust." p. 438
Fact: "The crust under the oceans is made of denser rock than the crust under the continents." p. 438
Fact: "Earthquakes occur when the rock of the mantle or crust suddenly shifts or snaps." p. 438