Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Wednesday/Thursday, March 28/29, 2018

Announcements and Reminders:                          

If you need to revise your book project, and hand it back in, staple it to the original green sheet you handed in.  

If you haven't completed and revised your genetic engineering essay, do that as soon as possible.   If you already have a grade, let me know when you have thoroughly revised. 

Please get out your composition book and a piece of lined paper, and pick up a green literature textbook.  

There will be Cave Time Intervention today.

Targets for Today:

I can recognize tone in a text.  I can choose a tone for my own writing.
I can make effective inferences as I read a text. 

Today’s  Agenda:

Please get out your composition book and a piece of lined paper, and pick up a green literature textbook.

1. Writing:  
Follow directions for writing down and writing about 
your favorite food.
Fold a lined piece of paper in half.  Think of your
favorite food. Can you picture it your mind?  Remember what it tastes like and how it feels in your
mouth, How would you describe it? Once a few words or phrases come to mind, write them down on the top half of your paper.

Vocabulary --

 Tone             Tone  = Attitude  

2. Read a short personal narrative, making inferences, and determining tone. 
What do you infer is going to happen next? And what tone does the author use?
What do you infer this story is going to be about? How do you think

Amy feels about this dinner? What in the story makes you think that?
What is Amy’s tone as she describes all the Chinese food in the kitchen? What in the story makes

you think that?
“How does using a disgusting tone to describe her favorite foods affect the story?”

"Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan
Find the story here:  https://www.ncps-k12.org/cms/lib8/CT01903077/Centricity/Domain/638/LA/Short%20Story%20-%20Fish%20Cheeks.pdf

3.  Writing with tone. 
Turn back to your description of our favorite food. The
bottom half of your piece of paper should be empty. On that bottom half, describe your favorite food
again… but this time, instead of making it sound delicious, flip the tone and make it sound gross. Once
everyone has finished, we’re going to share our gross descriptions and try to guess what food you wrote

about—So don’t include the name of the food in the description!”

4.  Tone and a poem!    Common Cold by Ogden Nash
What tone would you expect in a poem about a cold?  What tone does the poem use?

4. If time:  Commas with Introductory Elements

Formal writing should be serious, clear, concise, confident, and courteous.
In less formal writing the author can use more variety of tone.

If You Were Absent:

Do the writing assignments.

Read the poem and notice the tone.

Pick up or print the packet for commas with introductory elements.

Work through it as far as you can.


Tone = attitude (the attitude expressed by the author about the subject or toward the reader)
inference = putting together what you know with clues from the text to make a conclusion or educated guess about what is going on in the text)