Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Second Example for the Nonfiction Book Project

Name ____Lily Smith_____________ Period __B2____   Sign up by February 28th.  Due by (or before) March 21.
Book of the Month: Nonfiction
For this project you will identify a central idea in the book and you will collect supporting details from the book that will support the central idea.
You might find a central idea in the book,  and then gather detail that supports it.  (or)
 You might collect details, and then determine what these details are all saying about the topic.
A central idea for the whole book will be supported by details found spread through the book.  There may be several central ideas in one book. 
A central idea = the topic plus a main point the author is making about the topic.  
Supporting detail is additional information that explains, defines or proves the main idea.

Title of book ______Through My Eyes ____________
Topic of the Book __the story of Ruby Bridges who integrated an all white elementary school__
I read _____61________ pages out of ______61__________ total pages.
Student gives the title, author, and length of the book above.
Student signs the line below, indicating their completion of the book.
Student has identified a central idea in the book. It is legibly recorded on back of this sheet.
Student has provided four supporting details from the book for that central idea.  They are legibly recorded on the back of this sheet.  (5 points each)
The student has provided a page number from the book for each supporting detail.  (3 points each)
The student has used grade-appropriate conventions: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.
This page is neat, not messy or torn or otherwise sloppy. 
Hand this in as soon as you have read your book and neatly filled out this paper.
ACADEMIC HONESTY--By signing below, I am indicating that I read the book, and that the information on this page is accurate:

X______Lily Smith_______ Date _____March 13, 2018 _____

Finding the Central Idea – Neat, Final Copy  Due by March 21

Student Name ___Lily Smith________ Period ___B6___  Date _______March 13, 2018___

Supporting Detail

As first grader Ruby Bridges was led into what had been an all-white school, white segregationist protestors shouted, and held signs, and held up a black doll in a coffin. 

Page(s)  ____20_____

Supporting Detail

White women, mothers who had brought along their children, shouted (at a white man walking his child to the integrated school) obscenities, words that John Steinbeck, who heard them,  described as "bestial and filthy and degenerate."

 Page(s)   _26__

Supporting Detail

A white family who continued to bring their child to the integrated school  had  stones and rotten eggs thrown at their home.  Hecklers "gathered in front of their home" and threatened the family's children.  The father's boss threatened to fire him. 
Ruby Bridge's father lost his job and their neighborhood grocery store refused to sell to her family.

Page(s) 28, 36-37

Supporting Detail

Mobs of protesters against integration threw rocks and bricks  and flaming bottles of gasoline at passing cars,  and left burning crosses in black neighborhoods.
Segregationist vandals rioted and broke store windows and robbed them. 

Page(s) __32, 34__

Central Idea ___Segregationists did terrible things to try to stop the integration of all-white schools in New Orleans.____

Write legibly, and provide enough information about each supporting detail  to help your
reader understand how it supports the main idea.