Monday, March 12, 2018

Example for Nonfiction Book of the Month

Name ______Ellie Sattler___________ Period __B2____   Sign up by February 28th.  Due by (or before) March 21.
Book of the Month: Nonfiction
For this project you will identify a central idea in the book and you will collect supporting details from the book that will support the central idea.
You might find a central idea in the book,  and then gather detail that supports it.  (or)
 You might collect details, and then determine what these details are all saying about the topic.
A central idea for the whole book will be supported by details found spread through the book.  There may be several central ideas in one book. 
A central idea = the topic plus a main point the author is making about the topic.  
Supporting detail is additional information that explains, defines or proves the main idea.

Title of book ______The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins____________
Topic of the Book ___the artist and sculptor Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins ______
I read _____48________ pages out of ______48__________ total pages.
Student gives the title, author, and length of the book above.
Student signs the line below, indicating their completion of the book.
Student has identified a central idea in the book. It is legibly recorded on back of this sheet.
Student has provided four supporting details from the book for that central idea.  They are legibly recorded on the back of this sheet.  (5 points each)
The student has provided a page number from the book for each supporting detail.  (3 points each)
The student has used grade-appropriate conventions: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.
This page is neat, not messy or torn or otherwise sloppy. 
Hand this in as soon as you have read your book and neatly filled out this paper.
ACADEMIC HONESTY--By signing below, I am indicating that I read the book, and that the information on this page is accurate:

X____________Ellie Sattler______________________ Date _____March 12, 2018 _____

Finding the Central Idea – Neat, Final Copy  Due by March 21

Student Name ______Ellie Sattler________ Period ___B6___  Date _______March 12, 2018___

Supporting Detail

In 1853, most people had no idea what a dinosaur looked like, but Waterhouse Hawkins sculpted dinosaurs for a new art and science museum in London.

Page(s)  _____5____

Supporting Detail

In 1854, the Crystal Palace opened, with dinosaur models on made-made islands.  Forty thousand people attended just the opening, and were amazed at the dinosaurs.

 Page(s)  _15-16__

Supporting Detail

Waterhouse also drew educational posters, created small models, illustrated books, and gave lectures. In 1868 he traveled to America to lecture, then was invited to sculpt huge dinosaurs for Central Park in New York City.

Page(s) ______20__

Supporting Detail

Hawkins created a model of a dinosaur for a museum in Philadelphia, then started to create dinosaurs for Central Park.  Corrupt politicians stopped his work there, but he sculpted dinosaurs
for other American Museums and created a series of paintings showing the development of life on Earth.

Page(s) __21-32__

Central Idea _______Because of Waterhouse Hawkin’s devotion to using his talents to teach people about dinosaurs, millions of regular people (not just scientists) learned about the then newly-discovered creatures. ______

Write legibly, and provide enough information about each supporting detail  to help your
reader understand how it supports the main idea.

Hawkins Studios at Central Park
His work was destroyed by Boss Tweed's henchmen, and buried under Central Park.
Learn more at