Sunday, August 19, 2018

Monday/Tuesday, August 20/21, 2018

Announcements and Reminders:
Find your seat on the seating chart. 
Ask for a supplies handout if you did not get one at Back-to-School or Seventh Grade Day.
Monday is our Early-Out Day.
Tuesday through Friday will follow a no-Cave-Time schedule.
There will be no Cave Time this week.

Targets for Today:

Each student will know how to find and check-out books from our school media center, and will know about other resources in the media center. 

Each student will be able to define the words explicit, implicit, and inference.
Each student will be able to recognize some pieces of explicit and implicit information.

Utah State Core:
Reading: Literature Standard 1 
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Today’s  Agenda:

Monday: 9:30-10:45

Ask for a supplies handout if you did not get one 
at Back-to-School or Seventh Grade Day.
1. Introduction to the Media Center
We are taking a "field trip" to the Media Center.  Mrs. Jones and/or Mrs. John will introduce you to our Media Center.  
  We will line up to walk to the Media Center together.  Remember to be quiet in the halls since there other classes going on. 

Mrs. John
Mrs. Jones

Create a nameplate for yourself.  

  1. Pick up a piece of paper and a marker at the front of the room. 
  2. Fold a piece of blank white paper into thirds. 
  3. Write your first and last name as large as you can on one third so that it will show with the nameplate standing up.

2. Learning about reading for explicit and implicit information (finding evidence and making inferences).  

     Group Activity:  
  1. studying a collection of photos and documents
  2. discussing the facts you learn and inferences you can make based on them
  3. and creating a group T-Chart

A2 got to here, and did not begin the six-word memoir.
3.  Create your own six-word memoir.  

If You Were Absent:

Learn the definitions for explicit, implicit, and inference.   See below.
Ask Ms. Dorsey for a make-up assignment to complete with this T-Chart.
  T-Chart implicit-explicit.docx

Pick up a copy of the six-word memoir worksheet from the handouts file for English 7.

See  Welcome to English 7 2018-2019: Needed Supplies and More.


    • Explicit – clearly stated so there is no room for confusion or questions.
    • Implicit – implied or suggested, but not clearly stated.
    • Inference – a conclusion made based on both information/evidence and reasoning.  

 Help and Enrichment 

implication                       inference