Monday, January 16, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, January 18/19, 2017

Announcements and Reminders:

Pick up your composition book and find your assigned seats. 
Do not forget that you need a composition book to leave in the classroom for English 7.
From your last semester, save the last two paragraphs you wrote: 
  • Description of a place: Describe a scene of your choice. It needs to be real or based on reality. You will NOT tell a story, only describe a place.
  • Comparing or Contrasting Your Christmas Celebration with Your New Years Celebration

Targets for Today:

  • Learn more about sentence parts and patterns by diagramming.
  • Receive and understand your book of the month assignment. 
  • Learn more about  Greek and Latin word parts.  Recognize them, know the meanings, and be able to figure out word meanings using the word parts within them. 

Today’s  Agenda:

Pick up your composition book and find your assigned seats. 

1.  Individual Reading Time   (The best idea would be to read an historical or multicultural fiction book.)

(B-Day Classes Receive the Book of the Month Assignment.)

2. Quick Quiz #2  (Quiz 3 for B5)

3.   Conventions in Sentences Investigation -- 
        Diagramming Sentences

Write this in your composition book under "C.S.I." 
Label this assignment "C.S.I. 3-3" with today's date:   
(Correctly labeling this assignment earns points!)
We use sentence diagramming to create visual representations of sentences to help us understand the parts and patterns of sentences. 

Use your sentence diagramming guide.  Study  the fourth example -- the one with a direct object

Definition: A direct object is a noun or a pronoun that the verb in the sentence does something to. 

Example sentences: 

Example: Jimmy  kissed  Sally. 

Example: My sister ate the last cookie.

Example: Is Larry loudly threatening the late students?  

In your composition book, diagram these sentences:

1. Sally quickly slapped Jimmy.

2. I absolutely love chocolate cake.

3. Was your brother burning his old homework? 

Class editors will check your work.  
If you haven't already, tape the diagram into your composition book.  
Listen and watch for directions.

5. Finish your Magical Study Guide for your Greek and Latin word parts.
B5 and B6 still need to finish. 
6. If time: About Writing Paragraphs: 
Fishbowl Paragraphs  
View PowerPoint and take notes

If You Were Absent:
See above.
If you were absent, see Ms. Dorsey to take the quiz.
Come to the classroom to finish your study guide. Study the word parts!
Complete the CSI diagramming assignment.
Pick up the book of the month assignment.

A direct object is a noun or a pronoun that the verb in the sentence does something to. 

Coming:  Begin reading an historical/multicultural book as a class.