Announcements and Reminders:
Finish, revise, and edit your argument essays as soon as possible. You are able to work on them from home or anywhere you have Internet access. Submit and submit for scoring.
Mrs. Mace had her baby on the 29th.
His name is Hyrum.
He was born on 11/29 at 2:36 pm
weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz, and measuring 20.5 inches long.
Targets for Today:
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Today’s Agenda:
Pick up your composition books. 1. Watch the video at and write a thesis sentence to answer this question about it: Should this sort of extreme biking be encouraged as a sporting event? Remember that your thesis sentence needs to include the claim and two reasons why the claim is true. Write the thesis sentence in your composition book under ____NOTES___. Date it with today's date.
Receive a ticket for sharing an effective thesis!
You will not have a take-home article of the week yet because you should be spending time finishing, revising and editing your argument essay.
3. About finishing your argument essay and preparing to take your essay post-test Does your essay have all of its parts? The parts your argument essay should have: ←Introduction ←Body Paragraph ←Body Paragraph ←Counterclaim Paragraph with the "But. . . " ← Conclusion Let's look at some Sample Outsiders Essays. Check your RAFTS, ARMS, and SMILES! A1, A2 -- Media Center for Nonfiction: biography, autobiography, literary nonfiction 9:00, 10:25
We will spend some time in the media center at the end of class. To find Literary Nonfiction on Alexandria:
If You Were Absent:
See above.
Some book suggestions:

Mrs. Jones' recommendations:
Bootleg -- about prohibition
With a Little Luck -- about inventions
Bomb -- the making of the atomic bomb
Left for Dead -- the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis and how a junior high student uncovered the real truth!
I Am Malala -- young activist for educating girls is shot in the head by the Taliban
Behind the Drive -- about Larry Miller and the Jazz
The Finest Hours -- a ship breaks in half
Unbroken -- stranded at sea, prisoner of war