Friday, March 1, 2013

Apostrophe Practice Key (Whose Cars Are They?)

Apostrophe Practice -- Copy the following sentences, selecting the best answer(s) for each. 
1.  In the school parking lot I saw the 
(a. Long’s, b.  Longs’, c.  Longs’s) car, 
the (a. Phillip’s , b. Phillips’,  c. Phillips’s) van, 
and the  (a. Batemen’s, b. Bateman’s, c. Batemans’ )  pickup.
[Notes:  The family names above are Long, Phillips, and Bateman. Consider each vehicle as if it belongs to the whole family.]
2.  My (a. uncles, b. uncle’s, c. uncles’) car is a Hummer.   (I have only one uncle.)

3.  My  (a. uncles, b. uncle’s, c. uncles’) car is a Hummer.   (I have two uncles who share the Hummer.)

4.   All of my (a. uncles, b. uncle’s, c. uncles’)  own great cars.  (I have several uncles.) 

For some fun reading about the apostrophe, go to